Here's a Magnum, if you care to try. |
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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Here's a Magnum, if you care to try. |
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"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Does it matter? It's like saying someone stole your family land 200 years ago. At some point you have to accept the current distribution of property ownership. If everyone was allowed to go back in time any extent and take evidence etc, any title would be insecure.
What is more telling is that if it were found invalid, the present US public would vote for an income tax in about nine seconds.
I'll restate that: If everyone were allowed to go back in time forever to reexamine every title, law and procedure, no title would be secure, no law established, and nothing final.
I'm guessing Anon didn't actually, ya know, watch the video. This has nothing to do with setting the clock back to a time when we didn't have to pay an income tax. It's a documentary that argues, with loads of what seems to be substantive case law, that there has NEVER been a time in our country when the average worker has been required BY LAW to pay an income tax, or even to file a return.
To wit: the SCOTUS has repeatedly determined that the 16th Amendment did not authorize any new taxes, and it has also determined that "income", as defined by the amendment, refers to (paraphrasing here) "profits and gains from corporate enterprises." So labor appears to be outside the purview of those things which can be federally taxed.
I had no idea until I watched this. None at all.
Instance after instance of the IRS' and the Fed's failure to provide ANY copy of ANY law, either at trial or when compelled by a civil suit to do so, which actually requires the average American to pay an income tax. And it seems that the lower courts, in many instances, outright refuse to allow such questions to be asked of the .gov.
I made it to 1hr 1min and had to pause to catch my breath. If this is legit (and I reserve some small degree of skepticism in that regard...), we are fscked.
'zactly Scott. There is nobody (with blood in their veins) who could watch this and have a cavalier attitude about it - IMO.
Thanks Rodg, when I see things like this my mind goes to being a sniper. A complete mad man with a M134, and hosing them all. Then I come back to reality, and realize what? Nothing.
Getting the video introduced as evidence, there's the rub. The legal system is not going to allow the non-law to be disobeyed!
At least, for the time being, we have people having trials instead of summarily executed.
We're fighting a little war on the home front too: bastards just torched my church (Sarah Palin's attends- not sure if that what it is about), doesn't matter, we're still meeting.
Oh gawd ... not this again.
Sorry folks, but congress did declare wages to be "income" during WWII ... and the SCOTUS has found in favor of this.
Exactly one man got a verdict in his favor on this theory ... from a jury, as a case of jury-nullification.
The un-tax crowd is being dishonest ... they don't want to talk about legal precedent, actual appellate decisions and what really happens when someone tries this form of far-right ghost dancing.
If you want to be a tax-protester, as a libertarian I have no problem with it. I do have a problem when you tell people that they have a workable legal strategy to avoid getting punished.
Boston T. Party, one of the honest folks in this field, sells his "Goodbye April 15th", has big disclaimers on the sell section. He states right out that using this information will get you jailed, and that he only sells this as a historical document.
You didn't watch it K.
Ok Kristopher...
Which statute states it and what case did SCOTUS find in favor of it?
Is this documentary going to be shown publicly ... at theaters?, major cable outlets? As much as I can agree with what is shown in the first fifty seven (or so) minutes ... the fact still remains...those with the guns and the power will continue to use same (the comparison to the mob was soooooo apt) unless exposed at a massive level for what they really are.
Personally I am beginning to believe Obama is our last elected President...and him and his banditos will end up being the major link to us... US being absorbed into "The One World Order ™ * ... with a major first step in that direction being the (illegal) passage of the 16th amendment.
Took me a while to get through the first 58 minutes ...
A lot could be said, the obedient citizen in me says "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's". I am 100% tax compliant and always have been. I feel that is what my religion teaches whether the taxation is codified or not.
Now on the other hand, there is a line that may be crossed, as in the Jewish Mother case in the film that reminds me of lines from The Clash song, "Guns of Brixton". -
"When the law breaks in/How you gonna come?/ With your hands on your head?/or on the trigger of your gun?"
Personally, I am surprised we have not had more bloodshed than we have.
I will never be in the jury pool because I believe in jury nullification and I would acquit. - Vice Sgt Boone
FishStyx said...
Ok Kristopher...
Which statute states it and what case did SCOTUS find in favor of it?
Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad, 240 U.S. 1 (1916)
SCOTUS ruled that Pollock ( 1895 ) was overruled by the successfully ratified 16th Amendment.
Bowers v. Kerbaugh-Empire Co., 271 U.S. 170 (1926)
SCOTUS ruled that congress could now tax all incomes from all sources, the court declared that income may be defined as gain derived from capital, from labor, or from both combined, including profit gained through sale or conversion of capital.
Commissioner v. Glenshaw Glass Co., 348 U.S. 426 (1955)
SCOTUS ruled that "income" included any increase in wealth—whether through wages, benefits, bonuses, sale of stock or other property at a profit, bets won, lucky finds, awards of punitive damages in a lawsuit, qui tam actions—are all within the definition of income, unless the Congress makes a specific exemption as it has for items such as life insurance proceeds received by reason of the death of the insured party, gifts, bequests, devises and inheritances, and certain scholarships.
Ghost dancing, FishStyx. The SCOTUS has already addressed all this. And not the way the makers of that video wanted.
The Fed is answerable to no-one.