scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Like I have commented on this site several times the Birth certificate issue is a no issue. It is going no where now are in the future.
But this just might come back and bite the one in the ass I could hope. At the same time everyone is so enamored with "The One" they would not care if he came to their house and kicked granny in the cunt.They don't care guys its us against them.
This country is on a fast train to ruin my friends, we are headed for third world status rioting in streets, lines for food and gas, soaring crime rates in the urban areas. The rural areas want be has hard hit with the crime and food shortages as the city folks just because of are way of life. But it coming and its coming fast when the money runs out and the checks stop they will want their malt liquor and they will want their smokes (they will still have their food stamps) it will get ugly.
Spanky, as much as it pains me to criticize a brother in the barn army... Dude, subject, predicate, verb, period, PLEASE.
ha-ha, word verification = "bingo"
"Alright boys, smile and say cheese...!?!...dammit, I didn't say CUT the damn cheese.....Geez....Dang.
Instead of sending one or two lawyers to simply present the B.C. in the multiple court cases, Obama chooses to hire entire law firms to fight to get the cases dismissed. This action speaks for itself.
Casca , as much as it pains me to criticize a brother in the barn army ......dude kiss my hillbilly ass. Hows that for predicating
Spanky - it would be a lot easier to take anything you say seriously if you were capable of expressing yourself in a literate manner. Either improve your typing or improve your grammar and spelling - or better yet - improve both.
Thanks Gayle, that was the point I was trying to make.
Spanky made perfect sense to me, and right on the money.
Uppity Northerners, leave the hillbilly alone. Takes all kinds to man an army.
If Barney "The Weenie" Frank sees this picture, he might get all excited and want to reopen his Boston condo for more pay-as-you-come parties for all his boy friends.
Just a thought. . . .
Barney's just an old queen with a gravy job who wants to hold on to it at all costs including 2 cent fantasies...I don't blame the bastard, I blame the scum who continue voting this turd back into the United States Toilate.
Oops, Toiless.
Casa and Gayle I would never attempt to judge your writing style or use of grammar. I did not know this was English class or creative writing.I was only making a point were I believe this country is headed. True my writing is not up to par and spelling is awful. I have a high school education with only one year of English.I could run and throw a ball so I did not have to go to class. The public school system let me down and I let myself down also by not doing better at that time in my life. But I have done pretty good for a ole country boy that can't spell or write to well. I'm a retired Captain/ Paramedic from the Knoxville Fire Dept. So you all may think its cute calling out on my spelling and grammar errors. But you know I pulled People from burning homes saved their lives, I did CPR on kids, and infants, I worked shootings, stabbing's and anything else you can think of in a career. So if you feel the need to call me dumb thats fine. If you find yourself on the side of the road bleeding to death and your by your self and I show up (always carry a full medic kit even with me retired) Still going to be worried about that grammar.
Ignoring the grammar queens (dons flameproof BVDs), Oboe was quite willing to give Blago the quid pro quo, but asked him to keep his pants on for 2 years, so it wouldn't look quite so much like a payoff. Blago, of course pitched a fit.
Oboe, clever fellow that he is, had Rhambo make the offer for him, so as not to be directly culpable for an act of bribery, no matter how socially acceptable in Chicago.
Oboe was smart. Blago was greedy. Rhambo was the bag man. Guess who goes to jail and who doesn't.
I believe you hit the nail on the head Billl.
Billl, it looks like you've got a date for New Year's Eve.
Spanky, the point was not to deride you, but point out that your first effort was damned near unintelligible, and certainly unreadable, a condition that you managed to overcome by your second and third comment, congratulations.
Casca are you being sarcastic. "Billl, it looks like you've got a date" and my first post was " damned near unintelligible" Well Casca you are a pompous son of a bitch. My words are unintelligible to who? You ...... who think if I miss a couple of verbs and periods and misspell some words my opinion aint worth anything. You think I'm less intelligent because I can't string together a few words correctly, Well Casca I don't know you personally but from the tone of your responses I can tell your character, Petty. Whats it matter to you that I can't Spell are make a proper sentence and why the need to call me out ? You feeling a little short changed in the manhood department ? did you get that ass whoop in school everyday ? Your Mom mean to you when you where little ? what's the deal Casca ?
The funny thing is, that here in Virginia, in Virginia Beach, THERE IS a Mount Trashmore.
Doesn't look like that. Ours is prettier.