scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
You're right, we will descend into civil war eventually. But we cannot win. They control the military, the police, and everything else. It's too late. We're done. The majority vote was for a socialist. That says it all. All there is left for those of us who understand what American is is to die in the fight, be sent off to a gulag, or fold and join.
Right, and Czar Nicky also controlled the military.
I read somewhere (can't remember now) where the final vote count was 52% to 48% for Obama - if true, if 2% more had gone against Obama, we'd have a 50-50 split.
The country is by no means united behind Obama.
Jus' sayin...
The real prollem isn't Obama. The real prollem are the forces who invented, and then shoved him down our throat.
It is absolutely possible to bring back the power of the states while pulling power from the Federal Government. Want to eliminate the deficit? Just don't let the fed spend money. Let the states do it. How many pork projects do you think would survive if the states had to push it through (not talking Senators). Of course I'm talking about Red States. The blue ones are done for. I see it coming. The red states must band together as a new entity. This is not civil war.
If you have not read "The Real Lincoln", you really should. We need to undo what he did.
I'm doing my bit for the economy. I'm buying Ann Coulter's book.
I hope you bought it from me Jimmy boy. My mother needs an operation.
The majority means nothing. Only the 3% of the folks who actually do things ( on either side of the issue ) will decide the matter. The remainder will just go along with the victors.
Fortune favors the bold and the persistent.
what you're sayin' is that you're not as happy with things as we thought?
Thought experiment: why worry about a civil war against the federal government? Why not start at the state level? What would be the Feds' interest in the populist takeover of a single state?
If'n that works, try another. And another....
I'm looking at these responses, and I think you forget something. Try looking up the Oath Of Enlistment. For that matter, look up the Oath of naturalization. Hmm, stand by, try this: http://cmblake6.wordpress.com/2008/11/19/this-is-the-oath-many-of-us-have-sworn/