Friday, January 30, 2009

Meet the Stupids

Government spending, deficits, and debt creation of this magnitude is simply unheard of. So the added TARP money will surely imperil the entire stimulus package as taxpayers around the country begin to digest the enormity of these proposed government actions. Financing of this type would not only destroy the U.S. fiscal position for years to come, it could destroy the dollar in the process. What's more, the likelihood of massive tax increases -- which at some point will become front and center in this gargantuan funding operation -- would doom the economy for decades. - Larry Kudlow
Thank the 177 Republicans (100%),  and 11 democrats who voted against this monstrosity.  Whether you believe this entire affair was orchestrated by the likes of Soros and friends (I do), or that democrats are just piss poor money managers (I do), this has to be stopped.  But Rodge, what should we do?  I'll tell you what to do.  Go back to what made us a great nation.  Encourage the creation of new manufacturing and business ventures.
  1. Eliminate all Cap Gains taxes now.
  2. Eliminate all environmental business mandates.
  3. Drill for oil like a madman.
  4. Eliminate all possible restrictions aimed at capital creation (new businesses).
  5. Curtail tort lawyers stranglehold on business.
  6. Cut government services to the bone.
  7. Eliminate the IRS in favor of the 17% flat tax.
In less than two years we'll be the only nation in the world growing like gangbusters.
Because this is who we are, when gummint doesn't get in the way.


Anonymous said...

Hate to harsh your mellow but fact is, we lost. If this was truly about an economic spur, then the remedies listed would work.

But it's not about stimulating our economy. It's about power. And the dems want more of it. It's about payback. And the unions and trial lawyers want their payback and they are getting it.

I think the dems know they are over reaching and they want to accumulate as much power as they can, as fast as they can because they know reversing these programs are impossible.

Obama is approaching government control of health care in smaller steps then HRC and I can guarantee you, some kind of amnesty for illegals is coming too.

Anybody that couldn't bring themselves to vote McCain because he wasn't conservative enough were warned-frankly I got tired of that shit and quit visiting a number of blogs that advocated that tact.

When Sarah or Bobby runs in 2012, I hope they run on a platform of reversal of this garbage. Running to the middle like assclowns like David Frum want us to do is a death sentence for conservatives.

cmblake6 said...

MM, you got it so spot-the-frak-on it's scary.
Big gummint.
This is not what America was founded on, and it's not what's going to pull us out of this mess. YOUR noticing is but the first step towards America as a whole noticing. 1776 v2.0 anyone?

cmblake6 said...

And YES, RKOF, this IS why we win. If we could just get that BLWHOTP off our ass, we could fix this mess. At least OUR side of the aisle stood together. Bodes well.

Anonymous said...

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" We haven't lost. The real fight hasn't even yet begun. - Vice Sgt Boone

Anonymous said...

The states must remove the Federals ability to spend money. The Fed is supposed to be agents of the states. We need to reverse what the American Stalin (Lincoln) did to the founding fathers creation.

The Federal Government has not only failed us. They see us as powerless sheep to be sheared at their will.

Time for Tea Party Two.

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