scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
OK, so now we're standing in the fire. That should get everyone's attention a lot quicker. Now all we have to do is pick up a flaming brand and use them to beat the cooks.
" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
call me either one I don't care I will not let this country fall to the left. To the atheists, the socialists, and all the other asorted nut jobs out there that have never bothered to pick up a history book and read how men of of great character and even greater morals founded this great nation. The men in Washington now have niether Charater are morals. Murtha calls people in his own district red necks, calls are own troops murders and rapists. Ried thinks the common man stinks and he is above us. The only qualification to seat a senator from Illinois is the color of his skin. Their are child molestors, common thiefs, drug abusers. then we got the biggest liar ever known to man kind has Sec. of state There shooting at me Hillary. The man in charge of are money only paid his taxes when he got caught. Yes this is some change we can believe in. I will fight it every step of the way. I will work every day till 2010 to get some true conservetives on the ticket to turn this thing around and back on the right track.Let them target me. It will take the heat off some one else smarter than me that can do more. So I will shout from the roof top every time the constitution is threatened.
Hey Spanky, check this out.
Oorah! To all of you veterans, past and present. Remember your oath of enlistment? REMEMBER YOUR OATH OF ENLISTMENT! To support and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.
Not saying that you're not all just cute as a button. But I think there is a wall close by that needs your back against it very soon.
...and the KosKiddies start to climb out from under their rocks now that their fair-haired boy is in the drivers seat. (Yes, Anonymous. I'm speaking of you.)
I've noticed since the election that more and more liberal trolls are frequenting MANY of the conservative blogs that I visit.
Could it be that now that the main focus of their vitriol (ie: Bush/Cheney/Rice) is no longer available as a target, they must cruise the political landscape to find a vent for their continually childish whining, moaning, and self-aggrandizing snark.
A pox upon the lot of you for the damage your ideology has (and will) bring down on ALL of us.
As more and more befalls us, remember this: This is what you, and your lot, wanted.
Pro Patria Vigilans
Spanky, CMBlake6...I will be there!
Bob in Tampa
Guess he likes froglegs un says, ..heck, them torsos ain't bad either.
Excellent Bob, we may need many hands. Or none. None? If the .mil current is as aware as us old retired .mil sorts, we'll find out on the evening news (now by AFRTS) that the problems been fixed over the period of about 15-30 minutes earlier that afternoon.