Saturday, February 07, 2009

Barry the Wetback off to a poor start


Anonymous said...

He is working so hard he might have to take a vacation soon.

Anonymous said...

He IS looking a little peaked...

Anonymous said...

What he’s doin, see, is just settlin in and figurin out how all the switches & taps work. Kinda like getting a new muscle car . . . gotta pop the wheels a few times, adjust the seat, make the presets on the radio, rev and run it hard a time or two, then just sorta cruise around with a shit-eatin grin on your face pickin up yo props from the wannabes.

Now, as far as doin his job is concerned, he knows how fickle the peeps are, so he’s in no big hurry to solve ALL the problems. He’s gotta assert himself and stare down a few detractors, but the trick is all in the timing -- if he wants a second term, he can’t just hit town at 200 mph, make a big dent with a lotta noise, then fade into the shadows until the next election. Gotta build up to that and save a handful of major issues for the runup in ‘12 (assuming the NEO rock that’s gonna prove the Mayans right hasn’t been detected by then).

For now, it’s smile a lot, play with the dimmer switches and sprinkler systems, and decide on a good place to leave the remote control and his car keys. Look for lotsa circular logic, Bush-blaming, equivocation, posturing, accusing, and “I toljaso”s with a steady supply of pork sandwiches loaded with nepotism dressing.

Biden will be the scapegoat, along with the remaining Republicans in Congress and the tokens he’s appointed to his cabinet/staff. But right now, Mr. Soetoro’s main concern is two-fold:
1. Get re-elected
2. Don’t get shot

With those two birds firmly in his game pouch, groupies and other swooners will ensure that history records his magnificent achievements, whether they materialize or not, and promote his legacy in perpetuity. My only question is how long he’ll have to wait for his sainthood. Gee, I hope it’s not one of those posthumous dealies like JFK’s.

Anonymous said...

He's doing just fine, thank you very much. When he gets Porkulus passed with the help of the Nelson-Snow group of anti-Americans, he will have achieved in his first month what he could not have dreamed of accomplishing in his first four years. That bill is a massive theft from current and future generations of taxpayers in non-urban areas and transfer to non-taxpayers in urban areas - more gov't cheese for the undeserving.

Anonymous said...

"He is working so hard....".......I recommend a few days at the Federal Mookitorium at Arbuckle,Virginia.

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