Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear Mahmoud

Dear Mahmoud
Obama's Letter to Ahmadinejad

Dear Mahmoud,

I won! (I just love saying that.) And as promised throughout my historic campaign, I am now reaching out to you Mahmoud, Holocaust denier, funder of terrorism, despotic ruler of Iran. This symbolic gesture of my respect is just the beginning of my grand plan to bolster my rightful place in history.

For while Americans have been deliriously celebrating my election as the first African American President of the United States, Arabs the world over are celebrating the election of the first President of the United States descended from Muslims. And to show my gratitude for the vast support of the Muslim world, I very graciously gave my first media interview on Al Arabiya. I finally felt free to discuss my Muslim roots; the rich ancestry of which I am so very proud.

So now dear friend, feel free to call me by my Allah given name, Barack Hussein Obama. And while I quite enjoyed the citizens of this great country calling me the Messiah, I am absolutely thrilled that I can bring my middle name out from hiding. (Speaking of coming out of hiding, did you see Qaddafi's brilliant analysis of the Mideast conflict in my favorite publication, the fair and balanced New York Times?)

I do hope that all of my fans in the Middle East watched me on Al Arabiya -- I love a big audience. You and I have that in common. The only difference is that I draw my crowds with promises of hope and change and you draw your crowds with promises to nuke Israel. Those little differences in rhetoric are what make the world go round.

Yet I digress. As I said in the interview, I look forward to renewing the friendship that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago. Despite the death of our soldiers in the Somalian intervention, the slaughter of Marines sleeping in their barracks in Lebanon, and the seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran (reminder to self: call Jimmy Carter for additional advice on Middle East policy), I am sure that the Muslim people respected America back then. In order to forge a return to this friendship, I promise only carrots going forward. (I'm saving the sticks for those pesky Republicans -- I'll achieve bipartisanship even if I have to beat it out of them.)

So Mr. President (from one Supreme Ruler to another), I look forward to meeting you without any preconditions, even if you have requirements prior to a get-together. Notwithstanding your pledge to wipe Israel off the face of the map and ... (American Thinker Continued)


Anonymous said...

The lord of the Obamites says "See my friend Ahmadinejad just had that finger up his favorite goat's ass and he wants to share...It's just a thang in our culture you know."

Anonymous said...

In Iran, when they say 'stink finger' they MEAN stink finger.

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