Monday, February 02, 2009

I hear Zulu chants

How Con-ven-ient, this  market collapse
seeded with socialist intervention

Time for a new world order: PM

[Australian PM] KEVIN RUDD has denounced the unfettered capitalism of the past three decades and called for a new era of "social capitalism" in which government intervention and regulation feature heavily.

"Neo-liberalism and the free-market fundamentalism it has produced has been revealed as little more than personal greed dressed up as an economic philosophy. And, ironically, it now falls to social democracy to prevent liberal capitalism from cannibalising itself."

Mr Rudd writes in The Monthly that just as Franklin Roosevelt rebuilt US capitalism after the Great Depression, modern-day "social democrats" such as himself and the US President, Barack Obama, must do the same again. But he argues that "minor tweakings of long-established orthodoxies will not do" and advocates a new system that reaches beyond the 70-year-old interventionist principles of John Maynard Keynes.

"A system of open markets, unambiguously regulated by an activist state, and one in which the state intervenes to reduce the greater inequalities that competitive markets will inevitably generate," he writes.
Tadamichi Kuribayashi   faced much the same problem.  But, we're not quite that besieged.  Yet.


cmblake6 said...

And we all know how well communism has worked in the many places it's been tried, now don't we? THIS ladies and gentlemen, is why GB took all the peoples guns away. THIS is why the Aussies took the peoples guns away. And Russia. And the far east.
I'll stop now, before I make a politically incorrect suggestion.

cmblake6 said...

And "great inequalities"? You sell what I want to buy, I'll buy it. You don't, I won't. You have the same opportunity to get something in stock as any other merchant, or to offer me such a good price I'll take it anyway. What FRAKKING purpose of the government is it to make me get what I don't want? Or to give my money to them anyway? NONE!

AnnoyedOne said...

Kevin Rudd is leader of the Australian Labor party--the equivalent of Dhimmocraps here. The Australian people booted out the Liberal Party's (Republican equiv.) John Howard "for a change". Change they're getting just like we're going to :-(

Rodger the Real King of France said...

My dear grammy used to say, "Kill a Commie for Christ."

Anonymous said...

Joe, demonstrating on Barry, the secret handshake, at a meeting of The Pingerfullers Club.

Anonymous said...

Rodger " Kill a Commie for Christ" I love it your grammy is right up there next to Reagan that is priceless.


Anonymous said...

"Kill a commie for your mommy"
-Johny Ramone.

Anonymous said...

DoubleU, I have a slightly used, black hoodie, size XL with the Ramones logo, I'll sell ya dirt cheap! LOL!!! That is a great quote... *wink* The Ramones are awesome.

Anonymous said...

On topic... the bail out is designed to give power to the Socialist Dems, the plans to allow amnesty and unlimited benefits to illegals... another power grab that needs to be "deep sixed". We are in serious trouble here and I think the Obamas are dancing the night away with Stalin and Mao.

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