Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's in the mail ...

WTFF Were They Thinking?
National Guard scraps plans to invade rural town

“I'll just go in a little bit ... .
DES MOINES, Iowa – Following publicized reports that the Army National Guard was planning a military training exercise on the streets of a rural Iowa town, the commanding officers have called off the mock "invasion."

The Guard had planned a four-day urban military operation in tiny Arcadia, Iowa, population 443, sending troops to take over the town and search door-to-door for a suspected weapons dealer.

The exercise was designed as a mock scenario to give soldiers the skills needed for deployment in an urban environment, and military officials stressed that only households that consented to be part of the drill would be searched. [cont]
Thank God there were enough people to complain, I don't care if it was voluntary.  Allowing any gummint agency to practice home invasion  is akin to letting your kid point an unloaded gun at you.   Especially with the lawless gummint we have today.  Sheesh.  I would like to see them practice on congressional office buildings though.


Juice said...

"I would like to see them practice on congressional office buildings though." In a nutshell! Politicians (currently favored by Obambduh) is the use of "we must" ...blah,blah, blah, usually referring to a form of loss the great unwashed masses (tanx Rush) shall incur. Or - must endure.

Juice said...

P.S. That article gives me the shudders. It is LOADED with double-speak. Under the current dominance of Libs....... "It will be important for us to gain the trust and confidence of the residents of Arcadia," Sgt. Mike Kots, readiness NCO for Alpha Company, told Carroll's Daily Times Herald.

Translation: "To have them willfully _____________." get onto trains; walk into the showers; report their neighbors.

Anonymous said...

I had caught the tail end of this story on the news yesterday, and I only caught the military exercise part of it, I didn't here anything about house to house crap.

That frightens me. I have to wonder who the military sides with when the shit hits the fan.

Anonymous said...

" search door-to-door for a suspected weapons dealer?!"
That's a friggin' law-enforcement task.
Are they planning to ditch the posse comitatus laws?
Is someone planning for some kind of militarized police units?

Okay, now substitute for "weapons dealer" the phrase "gun owner."

Anonymous said...

They are just using this practice run so they can find it later when they need to.

My boss told me the fire department would give free home inspections to people, he wouldn't let them in for the same reasons.

Juice said...

Okay, now substitute for "weapons dealer" the phrase "gun owner."

That IS the more likely. First the guns. The rest will be easier.

Anonymous said...

Scary stuff. Couple that with the Alcee Hastings "concentration camps" legislation and even I am starting to see a pattern here. Someone at has posted executive order that all point to an ongoing plan for police state. Granted, many of the EO's were signed by previous Imbeciles in Chiefs, but it is frightening the power that they seem to want.


Anonymous said...

This is SCARY.. Let's see, either you let them go on a fishing expedition through your home OR you go to the top of the list for when they 'go live'.

It's also a great way of indoctrinating or conditioning the sheeple to accept guys pointing M-16's at their kids... and to condition the troops that it is OK to ButtF*ck the constitution.

As the idiotic robot used to scream in Lost in Space



Anonymous said...


Florida has been centralizing their police force for some time. Cities and towns no longer have a police force, it is controlled by the county sheriff.

Anonymous said...

You can't count on posse comitatus to prevent an armed military from marching on your home. They're coming, like it or not.

The question becomes, what are you going to do about it when they do? Do you know who your enemy is, do you know who your friends are? Are the magazines loaded and is your load bearing equipment in good order? Boots and rifle by the door?

*Now* is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country. - Vice Sgt Boone

Anonymous said...

Mud huts in the desert? Fine. American homes anywhere? Un constitutional. Who's the piece of Sheite the came up with this plan?

Anonymous said...

Hey Juice and Rodger,do you want to add an odd twist to this story? I was born in Carroll.

Anonymous said...

First, I need to question the picture's validity: the helmet might be as late as "Nam; it's not "now."

Second: they want to "practice" invading and searching a town? There's plenty of little rats nests south of the border, and they could REALLY be looking for gun runners, drug cartels and people smugglers. Why waste their time in White Bread, Iowa?

Finally, this is not the first time they've tried this; it won't be the last. My advice: RESIST! Practice invasions? Resist! Insurance policies for gun owners? resist! Higher taxes to bail out deadbeat loosers and corrupt businessmen and politicians? RESIST!

We have them outnumbered and outgunned. IRS can't find a few dozen congressmen who don't pay their taxes, they wouldn't know where to start if millions of Joes and Janes refused to pay.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Think of the pictures I use as political cartoons and you'll enjoy life more. :)

Anonymous said...

This actually happened to me during the Clinton Era. Going to visit my Mother in a small Minnesota town, I was stopped at a Minnesota National Guard road block and check point at the entrance to town. This would be about 1996 or 97. What follows it pretty much the entire conversation:

After being stopped, I was informed of the "Exercise" and would I please step out of the car and allow them to search my vehicle for "contraband."

When I said "No, Thank you," the guy with the (unloaded) M-16 blinked for a moment, and said, "Oh, it's strictly voluntary. Can we go ahead and search?"

Me: "No, you may not."

MNG: (blink)"Um.. We can't search your car?"

Me: "You said it was totally voluntary."

MNG: (grins) "Yeah, I did. So we can search then?"

Me: "No, you MAY NOT search my car."

MNG: "..."

Me: "Am I free to leave?"

MNG: "Um.."

Me: "Am I free to leave, or are you going to detain me?"

MNG: "....Wait here."

MNG Troopie goes and chats animatedly with someone at a HUMVEE. After a short time, Troopie comes back with his LT.

MNG Lt: "Sir, you declined to help us with our training?

Me: "That is correct"

MNG Lt: "You do not wish to let us search your car as part of this exercise?"

Mr: "No, you may not search my car. Am I free to leave.?"

MNG Lt: "Yes Sir, have a nice day."

MNG: "But the Captain said we have to search all the cars Sir.. It's VOLUNTARY!"

MNG Lt looks at the troopie, grimaces, and waves me through.

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