Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Muslim's Pork Fat

1,000-plus-page spending bill includes hundreds of pages of earmarks
Here's a teensy sampling from that ocean of  lard
Sloppy Bogus Alert

Congresswoman Barbara Cubin is no longer in the house. I don't know who put that list together, but I do not think that former house members can sponsor earmarks. 

List deleted as unreliable.



Anonymous said...

Yannow, if we didn't send it them in the first place we wouldn't have to depend on our representatives to get it back. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

But, that is how they get re-elected. It is a very corrupt system, but probably less corrupt than most other governments.


Anonymous said...

Congresswoman Barbara Cubin is no longer in the house. I don't know who put that list together, but I do not think that former house members can sponsor earmarks.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Blue Turf, you get an A+ for eagle-eyeness, minus F+ for making the host look bad, for a final mark of B.

Anonymous said...

You're just used to thinking that the US is less corrupt. What are the odds that a President would appoint a dozen people and three of them would have not paid their taxes? Perhaps 40% of the people are not paying all their taxes. Sure thay pay on what it says on their W-2, but that voluntary reporting of stuff where no one is generating a form (like a free driver or reimbursement of taxes or capital gains) maybe not so much so.

If the IRS is missing 20% of its tax collections it does not mean the US Gov has 20% less to spend. The Gov does not wait until money hits its checking account, it spends and tax receipts are supposed to take nearly the same amount of money (always short) out of the system. If taxes are crashing, spending stays whatever is appropriated and approved.

Only the great pressures on fiat doller grow, and grow.

Anonymous said...

I think this bill started before the election.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Rodge. Not I can return to black history reading. It's black history month and I only have a few days left to indulge myself.
oy vey ole'

Anonymous said...

Download it here to read it for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Rog, some of those earmarks started in '08. Here's the article on how sausage is made in Congress...yuck

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