scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
2004....."ACORN Peru opening an office in Lima!"..And Canada....????
ACORN themselves have given the answer. Start a sentence with this:
"Legally it's wrong, but ... "
Fill in the blanks.
Just a note on foreclosure. Our neighbor moved away last July for a transfer due to wife's "allergies". Truth: made their house a cash cow buying **it on equity. Reality? They haven't made a mortgage payment since July '08. Their plan? Buy a foreclosure in the new town and let this one slide. They still come here each week to move more stuff out of the house. NOT locked out. Wages not attached. Jobs not in jeopardy for bad debt.
The kicker? He is a CHP officer, she a CHP dispatcher. Approx income $10K pr mo. The bank asked them to pay just $7k to be clear of $80K (2nd mortgage). Their answer? Talk to our lawyer.
We live here, we saw, we heard from their own muzzles. Most of us neighbors are pretty pizzed. WTH? How much of this is going on out their? They are not "unfortunate". They are stupid with money, and we don't like paying for the likes of them and greedy investors who got stuck. I am sick,sick, sick of it, Liberals!!!
I'm not the paranoid sort, or the radical sort. I'd never shoot or harm anyone who didn't intend to do that to me first...But I'm nearly 19, and I got looking around. I have to be 21 to buy a handgun from a gun dealer, but only 18 to do it from a private party. Of course, I can't buy the ammo for it or get a concealed weapons permit...But I know now that I'm getting one.
And now I don't know why. I wonder if it's because I'm worried about federal gun laws, or if I'm worried that I may one day have to use it and my other arms in some kind of uprising.
Probably not. I see Obama being gone in four years. But certain parts of the United States are already getting used to batshit crazy things they'd of never been suckered into a few years ago. You have to wonder how much the Mein Black Messiah can get away with.
You posted while I was writing Juice :-p and what you wrote is definately worth commenting on.
'Moral Hazard'. People who may have seemed good with, eh, questionable moral leanings, are more than capable of doing that. That's pretty disgusting, that it's a fact of life that people who didn't do what they should have done, who decide to be losers, get our money.
I think more of it will happen than we know. That 800 billion will go up in smoke, because more people than they fathomed, will take it. Why pay your mortgage when the government will? And if they wont, why pay it when there are no repercussions for bad decisions.
As an aside, I can't being in the hole for that much. Idiots.
How does one "become" a member of ACORN? Is there a background check, Party affilliation verification, etc.? Mambership dues?
If you can't beat'em and all. I'm thinking of joining to get a free M-4 when they become, well you know.
Skip the pistol and purchase a reliable semi-automatic rifle. The Mini-14 fires a military cartridge, and good 20 round magazines are available from Ruger unless you live in KKKalifornia or one of the other Socialist States of America. (I don't recommend other manufacturers magazines) Get the rifle and at least 7 magazines, and stock up on hollow point ammunition. Start with 1000 rounds. If this is expensive for you, then get a good SKS instead! I hope you never have to fire it in anger, but practice makes perfect. Practice, Practice, Practice! but always keep 200 rounds ready to go in your load bearing equipment. MOLON LABE!