Thursday, February 19, 2009


Counting the costs
President Obama stakes so much on a package unlikely to revive our economy 

It's of some significance, I think, that Maryland's fishwrap of record, The Sun, prints this OP ED analysis of the Stimulus  charade.
Politically, President Barack Obama seems to have dashed many of his major thematic campaign promises in his very first foray into large-scale policymaking. The crafting and selling of the stimulus package haven't been transparent, innovative, calm or bipartisan. The rush to push money out quickly left no time to develop creative new approaches. The president's dire warnings of doom did little to soothe fears, particularly in those who had doubts about the stimulus package's efficacy. And while Mr. Obama was willing to exchange pleasantries with Republicans, those Republicans were largely excluded from the crafting of the bill and voted overwhelmingly against it. Even Mr. Obama's hand-picked "reasonable" Republican, Judd Gregg, found the process unpalatable and withdrew as commerce secretary nominee.
My guess?  A sleepy Sun editor saw "President Obama ... revives our economy" and gave it a green light.


Anonymous said...

Wait and see what her follow-up article will be about, that will let you know if she realized her "mistake."

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Philip Levy, the author, is from the American Enterprise Institute. That the Sun would allow his article to appear is what's notable.

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