Monday, February 16, 2009

Where I explain stuff

How Much For the Little Girl?

The guys at the liquor store are always saying,

"Rodge, how is it that you're such a keen, always spot-on, observer of political perfidy, when others don't see, or even care, that Obama is an illegal alien puppet foisted upon us by people bent on bringing the United States down to the level of Brussels or Ethiopia?"

It's simple, I'm always thinking. Even after, especially after, 5 or 6 Bourbon Manhattans. Like this morning.  This Wall Street Journal  story, Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe'   is about Obama using fear mongering to raise the specter of another Great Depression.
First, he did so to win votes in the November election. He has done so again recently to sway congressional votes for his stimulus package.      
This isn't news.  Democrats always employ their version of  crisis management  - create one from air, then manage to offer a solution that only they are willing to spend our money to solve.  But, here's what I saw  explained in a heart-beat.  The Obama-Caroline Kennedy alliance.

You'll remember that Obama turned the public perception of Caroline from "the darling little Kennedy girl,"  to "stupid Liberal twat"  in  just a few days during the campaign.  He needed the JFK association, because without achievements of his own, Obama cloaks himself in other's.

Ted was by then quite brain dead, so he set about seducing Caroline Kennedy.  For the Magic Negro, this was as easy as a gigolo working a Fort Lauderdale condo.  They were, together, the "Prince and Princess" of the American Left.  Obama whipped out his promise of Hillary's Senate seat - the Sec/State deal having already been struck, in return for the Clinton's silence about certain embarrassing truths they'd collected about him.  "But Barry," Caroline is said to have squealed,, "I've never had a public life.  I wouldn't know what to say."  To which Obama replied, "I'll teach you."  Which explains ...

answering the tough questions
answering the tough questions

Uhh,  well look, uh .... uh ....  (embarrassing silence) I've always said that, um .... uh ... Uhh,  well look, uh .... uh ....  (embarrassing silence) I've always thought, um .... uh ...
It takes about 80 years of practice, so don't try this at home.


Juice said...

I like your writing style, bet your a load of fun at a bbq, eh?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Depends. Sometimes I'm surly and piss on the hot coals.

Spunky Texan said...

that makes me freaking smile.
Thanks Rog!

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