scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, March 13, 2009
Cell phone popcorn
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- closed said...
Faked with a magnetron under the table, or real?
3/13/09, 2:37 PM
Anonymous said...
not real. viral commercial. can't look for the linkie right now. trust me.
3/13/09, 3:01 PM
- Braided Hemp said...
Bingo Linda. Some Bluetooth vendor.
3/13/09, 3:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Fake, but it would s'plain the Obamavick phenom.
JP -
3/13/09, 4:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Here's how they did it:
http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2008/07/09/carroll.cellphone.popcorn.cnn -
3/13/09, 6:12 PM
Anonymous said...
100% BS, completely impossible. Allow me to explain:
New, handheld mobile phones, like the type shown, will only put out a maximum of about a quarter of a watt of power at the antenna. That's 26-27 dBm for those in the know, a malfunctioning device might put out up to 30 dBm but it wouldn't last long before the battery died or the plastic started to melt. This would only occur at the very fringe of acceptable service (just a bar or two). By way of comparison, your microwave oven is putting out about 1000 watts on 100% power. When you microwave popcorn it takes about 45 seconds to a minute for the first kernels to pop, then the flood gates open and the whole thing will be done in about another minute. So 45 seconds at 1000 watts vs. (from the video) a couple of seconds using .25 watts or less. You don't need to be an RF engineer to figure out that something don't add up.
Myth Busted, thank you very much.
(I'm an electrical engineer and I've worked in mobile phone design and manufacturing for the last 15 years. Radar in the AF before that.) -
3/13/09, 7:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Dangerous and annoying, especially those hard,cellulosey, outer covering parts that get stuck between your teeth and gums.
3/13/09, 7:43 PM
- B....... said...
Yeah - so, how come I get a hard-on every time I use my cell phone?
3/14/09, 1:50 AM
Anonymous said...
Let's see...Hmmmm...Oh..You're supposed to hold it against your EAR.
3/14/09, 1:58 AM
- B....... said...
VIBRA-MODE on your ear? Get outta here!
3/14/09, 2:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Dang! That's great man!...Can it fetch smokes, beer, and make breakfast?
3/14/09, 2:55 AM
Anonymous said...
...and that .25 Watt is only when talking. There ain't squat once the "wake up and ring" command has been sent and the phone acknowledges it is there, but it hasn't been answered yet.
3/14/09, 2:16 PM