Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Do Marines love and admire Commie pricks?

The Real Revo has put up a video showing the difference between the reactions of the Marines at Camp Lejeune to George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama. [Blackfive]

Lest you think this was an anomaly, or a smear job -- there's more


Anonymous said...

Was that music really played? I thought I watched it but I don't remember the music. I believe it was played, it just seems so dumbassed and snooty to play it when addressing them.

Anonymous said...

I never thought Bush was the right man for the job, just the lesser of two evils in both elections.

What we've just been educated on is the difference between a dummass who is real and a real dummass. I know I sure felt a helluva lot safer with Bush at the helm than I do now.

Juice said...

This is all about HONOR...between the troops and their Commander and Chief. Bush served. Clinton, not. Obambi, not. Bush deployed our troops with honor, and he sustained them with honor. We honor them for their service and our peace on USA ground so far. Fuck the Weatherman, Fuck Obama, and Fuch every Liberal, MFCS Commie Bastard in DC...Sorry. Couldn't hide my pride for our troops or my disdain for the DC politicians who fail us daily

Anonymous said...

Juice: you say that GWB served. Indeed he did. But there is a large cohort of people who see any National Guard service as being the same as Not Serving, or Dodging the Draft or what have you.

It is the same form of logic that says an ivy league MBA is somehow the badge of stupid when flunking ot of divinity school is the height of sophistication.

- the friendly grizzly

Juice said...

Well, friendly grizzly, none of those folks were present at Camp Lejeune among those Marines.

Anonymous said...

I sure know a lot of Oklahoma NG and Reserve guys and gals that are on their 3rd trip to the sand box. I never thought I'd see it and I sure take back everything I ever said about "spare parts" when I was in. They stepped up and did themselves proud in all branches. Semper Fi

Red Dirt Plowboy

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