for a new tomorrow today |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
for a new tomorrow today |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Are there ANY questions at all?
I had an indepth discussion of this just last week Rodger.
This is a provision of the Hatch Act and it pretty much applies to most all government employees.
Unfortunately, it's kinda vague and really should have been more clear. But what it's supposed to mean is that you cannot promote politics or religion during working hours, while on the job, doing your duties in your position.
The list is supposed to be a list of things you can't do during working hours, while you're working. You are supposed to be able to whatever you want when you're not working, including any of those things on that list.
The problem is, the language is not clear and consise and direct with regard to that and therefore subject to misinterpretation.
So far, it has not been an issue.
That doesn't mean it won't be an issue in the future.
hopey changey right?
You shall only worship Obama.
"the language is not clear and consise"
Aside from this whole idea being blatently what it is, consider that also "prohibited" are ...
(1) Attempting to influence legislation. (No calling your congressman to tell him/her to vote yes or no)
(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes. (No grassroots organizing, no parades, no protests, no Grassfire.)
The same language contained in the Hatch Act before congressional democrats needed AFSCME door knockers in 1993, and struck them.
But then, I'm just a rabble rousing, gummint hating MoFo.
"Mandatory Volunteerism" - an oxymoron from a moron.
AS with all things Liberal, only liberals will be allowed non compliance, e.g., Acorn and similars.
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it's worse then you think -
"the language is not clear and consise"
As if that made a f'ing difference. "Shall not be infringed..." "Shall make no law..." etc. etc. etc. All plain as day, and thoroughly ignored.
Passing a bill is merely a formality at this point, one which I predict the congress/president will stop bothering with, soon. Presidental Decree will be enough. Or would you dare question your rulers?
So.... lemme get this straight. When I am at work as a state employee at a state university and I get an email from another state employee telling me I should support Obama or some bill before our legislature that I find abhorrent, I can report them for violating law????
Since I am surrounded by liberal moonbats at work.... maybe this law won't be so bad. Kind of a half-full glass situation. Hmmmmmmmm....
Shame on you TFV.
Demorats always get a pass on that kind of thing. Rules are for the non Demorats only.