Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Modest Proposal

Dr. Hardcrab's Modest Proposal

No, not that.  THIS.

I know this is "fuzzy math" but what the hell....
Mr. President:
There's about 40 million people over 50 years old in the work force.  Let them retire now (and everyone else when they reach 50 or have already reached 50) and pay them $ 1 million apiece severance with stipulations:
                1. They leave their jobs.  Forty million job  openings...Unemployment fixed.
                2. They buy NEW American cars.  Forty million cars ordered...Auto industry fixed.
                3. They either buy a house or pay off their  mortgage.  Housing Crisis fixed....or  they buy a boat or RV.
                4. They buy stock. Voila!  The stock market  rebounds with no help from the Feds.
What?  Sound too easy? Think about it.....



Randy Rager said...

Retirement at 50 years of age requires at least 2,500,000 in savings if the retiree is to be expected not to be a burden on society.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Wait -- today's update is $564,000,000, and a sturdy wheelbarrow

Anonymous said...

$1,000,000 taxed at 90%
or returned as outrageous.

Dr. Hard "I are a college grad-jee-ate" Crab said...

Fuzzy math from a fuzzy brain....


Anonymous said...

Ok, so give 'em all $2.5 mill. It'd STILL be cheaper than anything a politician has suggested, and it'd work. Added bonus, we'd all have to shut up about bailouts.

I can live with that. Pay off the mortgage at my church, buy another gun safe and fill it up, and keep my mouth shut. Yup. Sign me up.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crap, the administration will probably love this idea. 40 million workers times 1 million dollars each = 40 trillion dollars. You think things suck with TOTUS spending 4 trillion dollars we don't have, think how bad it will be at ten times that.


Anonymous said...

no sense of humor, eh?

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