Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ten Signs ...

Heard at the Lounge

The Top Ten Signs Your Presidency is in Trouble

10. Russian submarines are docking in New York harbor.

9. Joe Biden joins the Republicans.

8. The Army Corps of Engineers is building another White House a block away.

7. When your butler lays out your clothes for the day, it’s an orange jumpsuit.

6. Bill Ayers claims he doesn’t know you.

5. You frequently ask yourself, “What would Sarah Palin do?”

4. When you watch anti-Obama ads you find yourself agreeing.

3. The guy carrying the briefcase with the nuclear codes is wearing a turban.

2. You find out your budget director built himself a trillion-dollar house.

1. You re-read the Constitution and realize you’re not eligible.
From Naked Capitalism

I voted for Obama, but with my eyes open. He had no prior executive experience, nor any significant legislative accomplishments. As a senator, he was a newcomer to Washington who spent most of his time out of town campaigning for some other office. Which means he knew no one there.

It was not hard to anticipate the result: The new President was easily captured by Washington insiders & quickly reduced to mindless pandering. I've seen a lot of that the last week. High-flown oratory is no substitute for effective executive management. They are, in fact, completely unrelated. So instead of actually governing, our new Emperor is instead out campaigning. Trying to persuade us he is wearing fine new clothes. Increasingly, we suspect otherwise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...Looks like the difference between Biden and Bin Laden is n La.

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