Tuesday, March 31, 2009


UN Abuse

Given the current situation -- Obama nationalizing American business, funding ACORN, his own personal terror group to the tune of $5B,  Obama 's top legal nominee Koh has "No Problem With Sharia Law," blah-blah-blah, given all that, it should come as no surprise if Obama brings in the UN, under some guise, as a hedge against U.S. military commanders backing the wrong side when the time comes.  But, Linda Sue did send some good news.  A video of what the UN-mandated KFOR peacekeepers in Bosnia do with their time -- jerk-off, if this French soldier is any indication. Ought to be a piece of cake, they.

Remember, I did say "jerk-off," and that would be in the biblical sense, so click at the risk of your immortal soul.
Here's the link for direct WMV viewing.   Here's the original video with Kosavocky talk and sniggering..


rockville said...

In related news, do you remember how we were told that the new Afghan gov't would be "moderate, modern, and Islamic"? I do. My immediate reaction was "One of those is totally contrary to the other two."

So today I'm reading the news and I find this. I can't say I'm surprised. Notice that they waited until Obama was president. I don't think that's a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

That poor poor fwench soldier - He couldn't find a 10 year old boy or girl willing to trade sex for food.. Poor guy..

I do agree though that the scenario of jug eared one and his minions trying to find an excuse to have white armor and blue helmets on our streets seems plausable.


Anonymous said...

Do we have permission to threat anyone walking our streets, armed, with white armor and a blue helmet without an American Flag on their uniforms to be an enemy combatant and treat them accordingly?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It would be treasonous not to.

LindaSoG said...

In Iraq, they're back to hanging gay people.

Anonymous said...

And speaking of the UN, this just in...Barack Obama has decided to change the Bush administration's policy of boycotting the U.N. Human Rights Council and that the United States will now seek to join the United Nations Human Rights Council... Pardon me while I gag on this one.
oy vey ole'

Rodger the Real King of France said...

If Muslim countries were dogs, the Dog Whisperer would put them down.

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way - Blue helmets are easy targets to aquire from a distance.

SFAOV Sgsaur

pdwalker said...

The pressure of the job must be getting to that wanker.

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