Saturday, March 14, 2009

What is truth?

Media Matters Sun Block Lotion Spf100

 How the Liberal Media Smear Machine Slimes Conservatives instructively demonstrates how "George Soros (and others) fund one of the left’s most prominent noise machines, Media Matters for America, which distorts statements made by conservatives and then urges reporters to provide saturation coverage of such statements as proof conservatives are hypocritical and sinister."  

Rarely mentioned is that Hillary Clinton was responsible for it's organization, and how David Brock became its barker.  All this  can be found in Discover The Networks  report, Hillary's Lap Dogs. It also sheds light on Brock's "epiphany," that led him to denounce his conservative ties and move to the dark side.  It's basically a Hollywood story, that.  He got a role in a movie and fell in love with  the producer, who was looking for a  pegboy.
  In 1996 (eight years before Media Matters’ creation), the then-conservative David Brock was commissioned (with a $1 million advance) by the Simon & Schuster subsidiary Free Press to write a hard-hitting expose of Hillary. But the book, completed in 1997, turned out to be nothing more than a tepid, distinctly sympathetic account of the former First Lady’s life. That same year (1997), Brock publicly announced his political epiphany, unequivocally recanting his previous negative writings about the Clintons and embracing the liberal/Left cause. During this period, Brock developed a close relationship with Neel Lattimore, Senator Clinton’s openly gay press secretary and close confidante. Brock would eventually hire Lattimore as a director of “special projects” for Media Matters.

Brock’s affinity for Mrs. Clinton grew over time, and vice versa. According to Glenn Thrush of Newsday, Hillary “advised Brock on creating” Media Matters in 2004, “encouraging the creation of a liberal equivalent of the Media Research Center, a conservative group that has aggravated Democrats for decades.” Thrush reports that Hillary still “chats with [Brock] occasionally and thinks he provides a valuable service . . .” “For her part,” Thrush adds, “Clinton’s extended family of contributors, consultants and friends has played a pivotal role in helping Media Matters grow from a $3.5 million start-up in 2004 to its current $8.5 million budget.”

Hillary Clinton is chiefly responsible for creating the perception of truth as an accepted alternative to truth.  The consequences for us are enormous.


Anonymous said...

Thus illustrating her adherance to #8 and #11 of the Alinsky commandments. I wonder if Wellesly has freed her senior thesis? She should have shared that with the Chicoms, it'd translate better than "Hey Jude".


Anonymous said...

More from Daniel Pouzzner in The Architecture of Modern Politica Power....... As noted above, the statutory and regulatory codification and implementation of copyrights and patents is directly inconsistent with the ostensible enabling clause in article 1 section 8 of the US constitution. Copyright law generally makes accumulation and verbatim recapitulation of news and public affairs programming (text, spoken, and audiovisual), without explicit consent of the copyright owner (which is in most cases an incorporated entity), impractical or illegal. In general, corporations and institutions that promulgate heavily censored views and propagandized interpretations of current events (this includes the syndicate mass media, in detail - on TV, everyone but the Fox News Channel) will never be held accountable if they can avoid scrutiny for a month after the initial program has passed out of circulation or program cycling (one month is the approximate temporal window of consciousness of ordinary citizens for matters outside their personal spheres). These corporations and institutions own the copyrights on the material at issue, and vigorously exploit all available legal avenues to prevent distribution of stale programming - blowback (presentation of propaganda to other than the intended target audience), and propaganda that is now either transparently dishonest or manipulative, or manifests alignment with a now-disfavored position. The Church of Scientology uses this method to the utmost extent, so that their absolute control of who is in their audience (who receives the propaganda) is protected zealously by the full weight of the government. Reprints of articles appearing in the Hearst newspapers lauding Hitler and Naziism are not a common sight, though in a few years when the copyrights expire, perhaps they will be. On the other hand, the duration of copyright protection is being steadily lengthened in a legislative campaign, and might conceivably become eternal, shortly before the regime collapses entirely.

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