Sunday, April 19, 2009


 greGoire Frankenstine
FWIW, check this fool's selfserving logic - "we cheated but where's the proof?"

This is how I blogged the Coleman-Franken race on November 8th ..
Why is Norm Coleman the luckiest guy in the country right now?  Because he has a 438 vote lead over Al Franken for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat.

I know what you're saying, "But Rodge, why would he be that happy?  There's going to be a recount?

That's right.  And that's why I ran out and checked whether ACORN had a presence in Minnesota. And, yes they did.  Oh yes.  That means there is not a chance in hell that Sen. Coleman cannot find as many fraudulent votes as might be necessary so shove Franken out of our lives.  Not only that, ACORN's fraudulent activity has been so well documented and publicized, that the Minnesota media will hardly be able to spin out  of any such discoveries.

PS. I see that North Carolina has just gone to Obama. Everything I said about ACORN in Minnesota goes quadruple for NC. If he GOP doesn't fight this tooth and nail, then shame on them. (They didn't - so they're dead to me)
So, was I wrong?  Yes - because a  three-judge panel reviewing the race has declared Democrat Al Franken the winner. And no, because my reasoning was spot-on.  I foolishly underestimated how brazenly corrupt the democrats are become.  Which is why I'm firmly in the secessionist camp.   Not only was an obvious fraud perpetrated, but ACORN is rewarded with $5.2 Billion Dollars to carry on the tradition.  As we are discovering with each new day, the old United States is dead in all but an ideal to be rekindled. ASAP.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to go balls to the wall to get my current commie piece of crap in Dis. 7 unelected in 2010. If Ed Perlmutter is still my Congressman, in what should be a Republican district, after the next election...well I own some property in shall we say, warmer climes and I just might head on down.

Right now, I bank off shore in a level 3 country and faithfully report all income even though some of it is wired directly from other countries, never even passing through the states.

If the likes of the rotten bastards ala Pelosi, Reid, Frank and the empty suit at the helm think for a minute that I'm going to sit still and see a lifetime of hard work sucked off to be doled out to liberal cronies, they're nutz.

I have never had my hand out for anything and a 60 hour week is taking it easy. I can do what I do anywhere, hell I'm off to Dubai in a two months to meet with some potential clients.

It's sickening to look around the world and see so many countries get it. Low or non existent capital gains tax rates. Flat tax. Low corporate tax rates. And what are these assholes doing? Printing trillions!! in fairy dust money and raising tax rates and inventing new ways to nail us.

Without economic freedom, we are slaves. Stealing more and more of the producer's earnings is in fact stealing our time.

AnnoyedOne said...

Which is why I'm firmly in the secessionist camp.Janet Napolitano will send someone around in a bit.

Anonymous said...

MM I have seriously thought about using Cayman Islands bank for my accounts but, I don't have enough to really make that much difference. I am so fed up with the Republican party - they are pussing out and capitulating. Just give up and roll over and let em screw you up the cornhole eh boys? Well I won't go down without a fight AND I will not be voting republican. Some say that a third party is doomed (Rush) but I think he is wrong. The second party left me long ago and the first is a bunch of commie liberals who only think about themselves and how they can retain power.

What should we call our new party? How about the freedom from tyranny party? I know you guys are much more clever than I.

Anonymous said...

"I'm going to go balls to the wall to get my current commie piece of crap in Dis. 7 unelected in 2010."

Why wait until the election? The Tea Parties showed that a lot of people are fed up -- lot more people than expected. Tap those numbers and that passion and initiate a recall.

Anonymous said...

secessionist camp

Aint going to work, The MSM still has too much power. For some reason they take their ideas from Harvard but I guess anyone who wants to rule has to have a reason to tell themselves besides "I am Ghengis Kahn", They say "I am enlightened - I agree with Harvard so all you people get in line.

Anonymous said...

The MSM is dying. The only people listening are the chior. The courts are killing us.

Anonymous said...

The MSM has pretty effectively boxed up Palin, demonized Bush (though I hate him for his liberalism) and stopped tes parties from entering the public mind. They rule.

cmblake6 said...

You must understand. It is a trace metal deficiency. It can be cured.

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