Sunday, April 26, 2009

I trust bar chatter before TV news

Flu Chatter
''I'm going to want some open borders advocates heads on a platter. Starting with McCain.''

MoSup has spent the weekend at the cabin with the boys, and when I spoke with her yesterday I mentioned the panic and evacuation in DC over the flu deal.  She had no idea what I was speaking about.  This morning she volunteered that she had just watched a news story that played it as being well in hand.  Hope so.  Here's some bar chatter from the past few days.

 20090425 16:18


As with the early 20th century pandemic, young adults may well be hit hardest. Their immune systems aren't quite as flexible as those of children but they also may not have been been exposed to similar organisms and therefore may not have useful antibodies for the virus. The 20th cent. pandemic spread rapidly through military training bases, which became disease centers for the surrounding population. Fewer of those now, and they are being monitored, but instead we have lots of auto and air travel, large universities and much larger cities.

The university plans I've seen include shutting things down and sending kids home as soon as the threat seems real. Of course, we deeply hope that none of those kids is already infectious ....

Estimates are that as much as 50% of the workforce may be either seriously ill, dead or dealing with seriously ill members of their households. To make things worse, the models suggest we may see 4 waves or more over months before the pandemic burns itself out here.

Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 1:51 PM
Agent 99

That's some crazy shit going on down there, swine flu and I why do I think that's so much bullshit and if it's not then it must be the hand of G-d and then I keep going back to this one little article and reading it over and over again. 

Then I look at all the pictures of people walking around with surgical masks on and shake my head.  Then I think about G-d and plagues and avian flu and AIDS and SARS and then I read that stupid article again and I think about where Saddam's WMDs ended up and I think about Hezbollah coming in over the Mexican border carrying who knows what and what if they dropped it and then I eat another aspirin and think about going up to the store for a bottle of wine.

20090426 01:36

I'm pretty suspicious. This kind of crossover is not exactly normal.

Especially given that it seems to have ended up with the severity characteristics of swine flu, with the (aerial) spreadability of avian flu. All that with an alleged 7% (+) fatality rate (due to lung tissue destruction) down in Mexico?

I pray that it was just an unlucky shuffle of the genetic deck. The consequences of a deliberate engineering attempt are horrific.

For now, the worst part is that the Mexican government isn't set up to handle this sort of thing if it goes to a panic. And ours is not set up to be able to keep the panic'd and infected restricted to the other side of the border. Meaning we are likely to get overrun with flu victims, increasing the numbers we have here.

7 days incubation is a long time for an illegal to get deep in to the US, and then become contagious and spread it around.

What if this turns out to have started in Mexico, and was spread to the US by illegal border crossers, and it turns out to be a serious pandemic type flu?

he social backlash against illegals will be terrible and swift -- and direct by the people.

Maybe we will finally get a secured border. Stuff like this (matters of national security) is why people like us wanted it.

Can we say "I told you so"?

I'm going to want some open borders advocates heads on a platter. Starting with McCain.
20090426 09:51

Thing From Snowy Mountain

Characteristics of swine flu, asian bird flu and myass flu, nobody's asking if this is engineered?

Lots of us are. But the establishment would be lying to us about that even if it turns out the virus had a "(C) Spectre 2008 - Unautherized distribution is forbidden" notice on its genome.

Although there are multiple levels of malevolence present. STARTING with the propaganda that's been spread through the usual pretend-counterestablishment channels that the main thing you and yours need to be concerned about is refusing the vaccine when it comes around.


Let me reiterate: we have a mainstream that ignores shit like this and a bunch of propaganda organs pushing propaganda designed to get all of the who people doubtful of the establishment to take the precise set of actions necessary to kill themselves and be a menace to society at large.

One of the biggest indicators of a hostile intent instead of just nature is that there are already multiple layers of the onion in place designed to kill us.
20090426 10:00


Good morning, all.

IIUC we might not be able to TELL if this version of H1N1 is engineered. Unless there are genetic markers that clearly tie this strain to e.g. research vials that went missing, I'm not sure how one would know. Virii are notoriously fluid and changeable - it's their defining characteristic.

As I recall, the bird flu currently in asia etc. was 2 mutations away from being human-human transmittable and only 1 from being bird-swine transmittable. Given that pig metabolisms are so close to that of humans that they are used to test various theories and substances aimed at people, it's by no means impossible that there was one leap from birds to swine and it happened to subsequently recombine with a version that people already could catch.

Moreover, the extent of global air travel means that old ways of mapping a virus strain's spread are obsolete. They can now move two continents away in a period of 12 hours rather than 12 months.

That said, the timing in Mexico City does catch one's attention.


JMcD said...

Is the case shown in the picture an exorcism kit or is it the tools necessary to kill a vampire?

Anonymous said...

Obama kit.

JMcD said...

Cartoon character's mouth probably LOOKS a lot like Pelosi's crotch........WV: flendrip...yeah..or something.

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