Tuesday, April 14, 2009

LGF Amok

Prince Charles Agonistes
Lounge Lizard?

What recommended Chuck "You Doesn't Have To Call Me" Johnson's Little Green Football site,  post 9-11, was his balls out, and well constructed war against fascist Islam, and its American agents like CAIR.  Anon, I discovered that Chuck was among those who had  abandoned the Scientific Method midstream,  and advanced Charles Darwin's working hypothesis -Shazaam! -  to proved and published status.  (Does Charles also accept  Algore's Global Warming position, and if not, why not?)  This makes it more convenient to ridicule Judaic, Christian, (and Islam) religious beliefs, as is CJ's wont to indeed do. I could, and did, yawn through that, although as it's increasingly being used to advance the religion of government, it's become very problematical.  

Most damning though, in my eyes, is CJ's arrogant, flat out declaration dismissing any questioning of Obama's citizenship eligibility.  Even now, when 100% of all real and anecdotal evidence put forward shows  that Obama is an illegitimately seated president, and while the single rebuttal instrument proffered by his cult followers is a certificate
Serial number black out to thwart attempts to date?
, which only requirement for issuance is a sworn declaration by any Hawaiian citizen, e.g. Granny Dunham; even with all that, Prince Charles steadfastly maintains his position, and continues to  ban from his site any and all apostates.  So, this is funny as shit.

One of our readers — who is on CAIR’s mailing list — received a press release today and forwarded it to us. CAIR is alerting its members to an upcoming “Islamophobic” conference in Florida in which Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch will participate. The email included the following paragraph:

The Little Green Footballs blog, also widely known for its Islamophobic viewpoint, wrote of Spencer’s site: “His website has descended into a true hate site at this point, dominated by extreme, bigoted commenters who regularly advocate genocide and mass murder of Muslims.”

So this is what it’s come to: CAIR is now citing Little Green Footballs to score points against one of the most important Counterjihad activists of our time.

Thanks, Charles. You did us all a real big favor.

And now you can rest easily, knowing that your site is 100% Nazi-free. [Gates of Vienna]


Desert Cat said...

On a related topic, they're gunning for the Barn Army!

Desert Cat said...

Er...well "right click", "saveas" works best for that link (it's a pdf file and appears to be a bit jammed up at the moment.)

More info here at Ace of Spades.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I just finished posting on that above ... it appeared deus ex machina (Teresa) as I was doing a thing on Sunday's 60 Minute Gun Show segment. These people are scary, wot?

Anonymous said...

I gave up on Charles the Tyrannosaurus' website well over the past year and I deleted his bookmark just this past weekend. One comment I read on AoS (I think) was that everytime Charles didn't like his comment, he was banned from posting. While not content from being 86'd, this guy happily reported that he is now on his 5th username.

Anonymous said...

My comments tried to do the little two-step between stating my beliefs and getting banned. Finally, I slapped myself awake and left for good. He can have his religion of science, and I can have my God of everything, including science.
CJ's other shining moment was the "throbbing memo" - but he refuses to respect those of the Book. I don't miss LGF at all.

gadfly said...

I got blocked on his website after I had the audacity to ask His Royal Arse why he kicked people off who simply questioned his logic. If you do not walk the line on Chuck Darwin, your gone.

He is also at war with Atlas Shrugs. He hates being called Chuck.

Whereas algore invented the internet, CJ invented big time blogging. Just ask him.

I-RIGHT-I said...

Charles is a Lib regardless of his anti-Jihad rhetoric. When the SHTF he'll be bowing toward Mecca with the rest of them.

closed said...

Rodge ... don't tar all of us atheists with the Chucky brush.

Not fair ... you don't see me comparing you ( very often ) to snake handlin' ultra-fundy internet loons.

Unless you start distributing Chick publications anti-D&D tracts ... then I take it all back.

Chuck Martel said...

Yeah, the rabid Darwinism is getting a little old.

And he keeps calling the guy who runs "Gates of Vienna" a fascist. It sounds like jealousy to me.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hey kbarret, you been around to know I don't tar people for their atheism? I do object to assigning scientific status to unproved theories in order to advance a political agenda, which is what religion bashing is mostly about today. And, I do wonder from whence society's guardrails will emanate if atheism becomes ascendant? Don't you? Even today's atheists were raised under a Judaic-Christian ethic of right and wrong, and are served well by it. We already have evidence of what happens when people get to make shit up to suit their lifestyles - the Democrat party.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Last month, the chief of the Missouri highway patrol blasted a report issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center that linked conservative groups to domestic terrorism, assuring that such reports no longer will be issued. The report had been compiled with the assistance of DHS.

The report warned law enforcement agencies to watch for suspicious individuals who may have bumper stickers for third-party political candidates such as Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin.

Anonymous said...

I actually agree with most of his points, but banning people for disagreeing isn't smart, or right, or useful.

As Lincoln observed, "Just because you have silenced a man does not mean you have converted him."

And yeah, I go there much less frequently, and usually for the links.

root@localhost.localdomain said...

I really liked LGF several years ago and was an avid reader. I don't know if he's always been this far off the deep end and simply hid it or if I simply didn't realize it. Maybe he fell on his head about a year ago.
Either way, I deleted my LGF bookmark a few months ago when I was compared to a 9/11 "Truther" for merely wanting reasonable proof of Obama's qualifications for POTUS. He'll delete your login account if you say anything Birth Certificate related, but about once a week he'll slap you in the face with a birth certificate story that you're not "allowed" to comment on.
Strange... I'm an atheist, but I'm not in Chuck's (or his filk's) camp. People are picking sides all across the U.S. You can smell what's coming.

Flyfish said...

LGF is off my reading list along with the Commissar who became a born again liberal the minute he allowed the press to dictate his perception of the war on terror. Interestingly both of them are become rabid darwinists.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I read both C&S and LGF. I think Darwin has the better of the argument and I really don't see Charles Johnson as much of a liberal. I also think the Obama birth certificate business is pretty similar to the 9/11 Truther arguments. As a former Criminal Investigator with the Immigration Service who investigated Chinese visa fraud cases, I haven't seen anything that convinces me that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Just a bunch of uninformed smoke and wishful thinking. Better to spend your time trying to get some Republicans elected in 2010 before Reid & Pelosi work more mischief.

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