Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Seats and Chops

Can We Talk ?

I don't care to go into the details of what brought this to mind, and not for the first time, but here it is.  Why is it that public toilet seats have a convenient safety cut-out/access portal, while home versions do not?   Public seats, btw, that men are loath to use in all but the direst of circumstances, and women do their best never to come in contact with.  And yet, in the safety of  home we're inconvenienced, and put at risk?    Why, damn you, why?

And another thing.  Why don't dogs get vasectomies, instead of the current savage practice of beheading, so to speak?  "But Rodge, nut chopping not only renders the dog sterile, but alters the personality so the male isn't always trying to score!"  Not good enough. Bruno is still always trying to score, only with my leg, or any large bump on the ground.   If Ms. Prissy knew precious Puppums couldn't be impregnated by my German Shepherd, she ought be happy - if she loves Puppums - to see her safely, and naturally satisfied.  Here's what I think.  If veterinarians had to learn this skill, they'd have to spend six days in Veterinary school, instead of four, and couldn't sell those fake sack stuffers at outrageous prices. Am I right, or what?


Anonymous said...

The guvmint mandated 'U' shaped toilet seats were created primarily for dorms and barracks. That way if they fall while you are puking you dont get hit in the back of the neck. I learned that one morning after I found out I was alergic to large amounts of alcohol.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Mein Gott! More reason to mandate their use in the home.

Anonymous said...

This question, why public toilet seats were horseshoe shaped, was once posed to Cecil Adams at the Straight Dope. He answered that men are basically slobs in public who refuse to lift seats, and therefore will dribble on said seat. The horseshoe shape allows dribble to miss.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Well that actually makes sense, and yet another reason to get a home version.

Anonymous said...

My understanding was that they couldn't, or wouldn't, guarantee the cleanliness of the bottom side of that cut out portion. Who wants his hog coming in contact with a dirty spot that touched somebody else's junk? Not me....

Nate said...

I had to go check the two toilets in my house to see what kind of horse-collars they had. Both were rings. Tells you how much attention I pay to that, dunnit?

Oh, as for dog vasectomies...the vet gave my CAT a vasectomy. Surprised me all to hell because this was a 'country' vet (versus a city vet). I asked him why he did it and he told me that they heal faster that way.

Though that cat hid under the bed and growled at me for three days after that little trip.

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