Friday, April 17, 2009

Secession session

1. Across
Six Letter Word for Impeach

In the spirit of academic debate ...

Is there a dumber proposition than "Does Texas Have the Right to Secede?"  Secede meaning, "we ain't playing that no more." Secede meaning "adios muthafarkers."   You may as well ask whether a prisoner has a right to break out of jail?  If the con evades recapture,  it's a  fait accompli.

If you're still worried about the constitutionality of it, there is no restriction mentioned.  In 1861 eleven states declared their secession from the U.S., and that was that. They then lost a war to invading Union armies, and were forced back.  That's the law known as  "Might makes Right." The only law that matters in such circumstaces.  Same stakes today. 

If Texas, or any number of other states want out of this, excuse me for being blunt, gulag waiting to happen, all it takes is agreement by a state legislature, and a governor's signature.  It's understood that no elected body makes that move without overwhelming support from the constituency, so there's your army.

There's also a fundamental difference by comparison to the ill-fated Confederacy.  Nukes.  All it takes is one, and you hold the trump card.  Especially if the other side are mainly comprised  of pasty face liberal canker-blossoms, whose major concern, after their own precious hides of course, is the ecology.  It seems to me then, the question to be answered is this.  Is our present government legitimately elected, and operating constitutionally?  Everyone has to answer that question for themselves., and live or die with the consequences.  Freedom ain't cheap.  If it was, everyone would have some.


Anonymous said...

A Texas secession would sure be interesting.

If a governor tried that they would probably find themselves up on federal kiddie porn or other trumped up charges.


Anonymous said...

OK. Yeah, so Cuba wins. Flip side of the coin, we can finally fish their waters. Give them Ohio and Indiana in trade and we take the south side of the island. The rust belt will learn that tomato is not HOT and we get raven haired women and 40 pound Mahi from the beach. See ya there.

Plowboy - Suprised? Yeah, I fish around.

AnnoyedOne said...

I dunno why anyone is surprised. Obama is just helping out his fellow Marxist buddies (the Castro's, Hugo Chavez etc).

Anonymous said...

If I recall, the Filibusteros, wanted to annex Cuba as a slave state.

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