I’ve been spending a
lot of time lately reading books about American foreign policy (no
seriously) and online discussions about views by Europeans of
Americans, and, like repeated kicks to my face, I keep hearing about
how dumb, ignorant, uninformed, misinformed, brainwashed, and generally
totally oblivious we are as a group. But especially those of us who
aren’t Democrats. And definitely especially those of us who aren’t fans
of and/or don’t work for President Peace-In-Our-Time.
So I guess the Rethug/Repug-controlled right-wing KKK media are making
these stories up about Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet
Napolitano. You know, to further brainwash the hickstain masses like
you and me. [Rachel
” |
Three things rat-a-tat-tat hit me while
reading that Rachel pos ..
- Rachel's "I don't
think this blog means what you think it means" header has me
very unsettled.
- It reminded me of this message from Obama's new best
friends :
which in turn reminded me
again that we're going to have to kill everyone.
- I am so much the optimistic pessimist. I'm
worrying that after we go on our rampage and clean this mess up, the so
called "cooler heads" will prevail, and none of these MFCS will be
hanged. Dad-gummit.