Good on Paper, Not in Reality... |
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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, April 26, 2009
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- pdwalker said...
Don't you wish the story was true?
Even so, it's a good story to use as a thought exercise to sneak up the point that socialism is doomed to fail to someone who truly believes in it. -
4/27/09, 2:51 AM
- AnnoyedOne said...
Sorry Rodger but I have to disagree. Socialism/Communism is NOT "good on paper" which is why it has never worked nor ever will. The reason people keep trying it (e.g. Obama) is exactly because they think "the theory is good" despite all the historical evidence. Their thinking, assuming they're true believers, is that "I can make it work". However it can't because of the nature of Man. I view the theory (Marx. Hegel etc) as EVIL because it is is anti-man.
4/27/09, 7:00 AM
Anonymous said...
I read that anecdote several times, and the closest I can come to your statement about socialism being "good on paper"(sic) is the fact that the mush-brained students were insisting it was a good idea. The professor set out to prove it isn't good anywhere and succeeded. Maybe you read your quoted statement elsewhere (DailyKos?) and got confused.
--Skyhawker Doug
Everyone who believes that CO2 is a pollutant, please stop producing it by ceasing to breathe. Now. Permanently. -
4/27/09, 10:03 AM
- HoosierArmyMom said...
More push toward the New World Order and the destruction of our Constitution is at hand thanks to the Obamatron and Shillary Clinton.
The Freedom of Choice Act is upon us, and for parents with children, it is anything but FREE. -
4/27/09, 11:24 AM
Anonymous said...
It would be way cool if this story was true, but given the density of lefties in the academia, I can't see this professor lasting long enough to get tenure.
Bill -
4/27/09, 1:45 PM
JMcD said...
Kid did it without using the telepromptopacker even.
4/27/09, 2:15 PM
Anonymous said...
The reason socialism "looks good on paper" is because academics write those papers. They live in a bubble on campus; they have no experience for what works in the real world. "Nothing is impossible if you're not responsible for implementing the solution." That's why colleges are full of leftists, and the business world is full of conservatives. The latter know what works!
-- Bob1 -
4/27/09, 9:41 PM
Anonymous said...
socialism, as a form of collectivism, is not good in theory. Under freedom people make money/business/economic decisions as they make publishing/talking/press decisions - without government interference.
Capitalism is simply freedom applied to your economic activities. The contortions people have to go through to turn your freedom into some sort of evil are legon. But in the end capitalism is moral, fair and benefits people.
Since people wantr to be good more than they want to be rich (on whole) any defense of capitalism must stress that it is more moral and fair to its participants than collectivism, the use of government force to impose the will of a majority upon people unluckly enough to be in an effective voting minority. -
4/27/09, 10:02 PM
- AnnoyedOne said...
Exactly Anonymous. As long as people see socialism/communist as moral but impractical it'll keep being tried and we'll keep moving towards it. Capitalism is the only moral system because it honors the nature of Man and leaves each individual free to think and act.
4/28/09, 6:49 AM
Keftan said...
Socialism can never work. All forms of government require leaders. I am better than you so I will lead you.
I lead you so I deserve more than you. Thus all socialist societies are liberal and all socialist leaders are ultimately oligarchs. -
4/28/09, 10:05 AM
JMcD said...
Good on Paper,
Not in Reality............Sort of like an 'Orlon Sphincter'.....or is that an Arlen Specter.....Fecking RINO, soon to be ,out of the closet Dhimmi. -
4/28/09, 12:53 PM
Anonymous said...
It's also fairly obvious that this is a hypothetical story because, although this is exactly what would happen in real life, no educator with such views could even get a teaching certificate in this country, let alone become a professor.
The obvious truth in this story is forever beyond the comprehension of true believers like Obama and his ilk. No matter how many times history repeats this scenario they will try it again with the same results.
GrinfilledCelt -
4/28/09, 1:09 PM
- pdwalker said...
It only fails because the wrong people were in charge. If the right people were in charge, everyone would get an A for effort (for just showing up and turning in empty results) and those trying to sabotage the effort would be dealt with properly.
This time for sure! -
4/28/09, 9:28 PM