A Nice Friendship Pact
You know how Leftists are always making the (false) claim that the US
sponsored Osama bin Laden during the 1980s -- the inference being that
somehow we are morally culpable for "making" bin Laden and therefore
that 9/11 somehow is our own fault?
Well, unlike that false urban legend about US sponsoring Islamist
terrorists, it's my sad duty to report that today the US is sponsoring
Islamist terrorists. Directly.
I've mentioned Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys in the past, but today he
officially returned to Somalia to join the US and UN sponsored
reconciliation government, but let me recap why his return means that
the US is now directly funding terrorists.
Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys was once heavily funded by Osama bin Laden,
helped shield the US embassy bombers form justice, and is on the U.S.
State Department's list of designated terrorists:
Designated on November 7, 2001...
Hassan Dahir Aweys
Are you getting this? The U.S. State Department has Aweys on their list
of designated terrorists. This means that all of Aweys assets are to be
But it's not just the U.S. that has designated Aweys a terrorist. So, too, has the UN:
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I gotta stop ..this stuff is killing me.