One Picture and Eight Words. |
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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
One Picture and Eight Words. |
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"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
But wait a minute. Busing was forced on students/families/school districts BECAUSE it was argued that black students could never get ahead in a society that SEGREGATED the school systems.
Liberals, can't live with them, can't kill them. Wait, liberals don't believe in capital punishment even in cases of murder so....
The next thing you know, they'll be demanding their own drinking fountains.
I hear they are opening a lot of Black only schools in Little Rock.
Oh the sweet sweet irony. They have zero gang problems in their schools now that the Crips Community Organizing Committee runs the show.
I've been saying for weeks . . . no, months now . . . that much of what our resident Kenyan, Mr. Soetoro, does is tailored to his Africa-first agenda. It is the primary impetus for his wealth redistribution plans and his "empathy-capable" judiciary.
Well, whatever they do for an educational system, I hope our American Blacks keep using those great 'made up' names....That'll give'em plenty of real distinction............WV:mopities....Hey! There's one right there!
One specific comment re the "lets make shit up" article you linked:
Cleopatra was Macedonian Greek. While that hardly meant she was blonde and blue eyed she could not have been black.
Stealth Reparations
Not a hate crime:
Let the stupid racist blacks go off and join their little black-supremacy plantations.
Those left behind are better off without them.
Plenty of Afro-centric schools in ... well ... Africa.
Yes Jim, but there are no rich white people to pay for it all.