Saturday, May 02, 2009

The beat goes on, and on ...

Oh what a web he's weaved when first he ...
Mirrored Texas Darlin' post.

“The FEC allows elected officials to use campaign funds to pay legal fees only if the action/investigations arise as a result of their tenure in office or campaigns.”

When a lawyer-turned-politician-turned-president pays other lawyers nearly 700 thousand dollars in a few short months, after he’s been elected, ordinary folks might scratch their heads…

Especially when….many of the legal cases against the president are consistent in their simplicity. They just ask Barack Obama to show that he’s a natural-born citizen.

Obama could…

Choice A: Authorize the State of Hawaii to produce his long-form certified birth certificate and give Courts the definitive evidence they need to dismiss these silly eligibility lawsuits.


Choice B: Use hundreds of thousands of dollars of campaign contributions to oppose and defend the lawsuits, and threaten the plaintiffs with financial sanctions.

Hmmm. Choice A, or Choice B?

According to Politico, “the FEC allows elected officials to use campaign funds to pay legal fees only if the action/investigations arise as a result of their tenure in office or campaigns.”

That seems to be fairly straightforward rule by the FEC. So…how much of the million dollars (700k since the election and 300k pre-election) was spent fighting lawsuits by “a former presidential candidate, a former deputy attorney general, many legislators, active-duty U.S. military,” and others?

Did Obama use campaign funds to fight the disclosure of his college records from Occidental because they might show that he enrolled as a foreign citizen? Why else would he hire a high-priced lawyer whose other clients include Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft?

What about Choice C? If the lawsuits are so frivolous, why not just ignore them, and let them be dismissed? Maybe we were right when we hypothesized last year that Obama is hiding the fact that his original birth certificate was sealed, and replaced with one in the name Soetoro, reflecting Indonesia citizenship.

I mirrored this TD Blog post because this thing stinks so bad it's starting to smell good.  Good if the public becomes aware of the full extent of Obama's questionable citizenship problem, and forces the issue. That would, or should, have the most salutary effect of removing him from office, reversing every one of his E.Os., and every piece of legislation enacted since he's been in office.  It would also give Henry Waxman a very long list of DNC insiders who knowingly helped perpetrate the fraud. With every passing day, however, it becomes easier for the media to invoke Plan B:
"He didn't know he wasn't a citizen.  Are we going to throw this great man under the bus, causing a monumental constitutional crisis over a silly law?"
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rickn8or said...

"...Are we going to throw this great man under the bus, causing a monumental constitutional crisis over a silly law?"Damn skippy.

root@localhost.localdomain said...

I get to put snow chains on those bus tires first.

AnnoyedOne said...

Better oust him quickly before "the takeover" is complete.

Obama says Wall Street won't play as dominant a part in economy as regulations...

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