scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Califirnia's stupid voters
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Mile 66 said...
They voted "No", but they really meant "Yes", they were just tired, and WE are the only ones sophisticated enough to read what people really mean and to know what's best for them. So we will proceed as if they really voted "Yes", and the debate is over. Those saying "No" after that will be considered terrorists and dealt with accordingly.
5/21/09, 10:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Arrogant bitch! Funny, when I encountered people that were generally positive on the measures, and I had a chance to talk with them, and explain things.... they generally walked away much more negative, and against the measures...."having said that".......
C/R -
5/21/09, 10:16 AM
Anonymous said...
In the real world, we business owners figure out how to reduce expenses. In the virtual world of government bureacracies, reducing expenses is defined as slowing the rate of growth. There is never any actual reduction which can only be accomplished by layoffs and eliminating unnecessary projects and programs. When they do propose reductions, it is always emergency services and healthcare that are at the top of the lists in order to try to scare us into maintaining the status quo.
Here's a radical idea to really start the squealing: I would like full disclosure from government about where our money is going and allowing us taxpayers an opportunity to slice the fat from the pork?
Having demonstrated my masterful grasp of the obvious, when government fatheaded, lardbutted bureaucrats stop extorting the citizenry and learn the simple lesson stated above, then they might receive a sympathetic ear. Until they do grasp the concept, I draw their attention to the misletoe attached to my shirttail. - Skyhawker Doug
TW: alkzm = alakazam(?) because it would take some very powerful mojo. -
5/21/09, 11:02 AM
JMcD said...
Main thang is them 'particularities' eckcetera.
5/21/09, 12:26 PM
Anonymous said...
"They voted "No", but they really meant "Yes", they were just tired, and WE are the only ones sophisticated enough to read what people really mean and to know what's best for them. So we will proceed as if they really voted "Yes", and the debate is over. Those saying "No" after that will be considered terrorists and dealt with accordingly.
# posted by Blogger Mile66"
Seems they have learned from WA state... -
5/21/09, 12:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Don't worry. As usual, they'll get some judge to correct this huge mistake the voters made.
GrinfilledCelt -
5/21/09, 1:37 PM
- Chuck said...
See what happens when you let a foreigner run your highest office?
Wanna cut the fat? Start with the programs that dole out cash to people who've never done anything in the service of the state.
Next, freeze teacher salaries--just to piss of the teacher's union. Don't cut back on ed spending though, the extra cash goes to facilities and supplies.
Next, a special bill denying spending any state money on illegals with the only exception being the horses and guards used to march them back over the border. Don't wanna swim back? We have a trebuchet for that.
Next Stop funding anything LBGT. They should get no special care or provisions than any other segment of society.
Next, o f f s h o r e d r i l l i n g. Be rolling in cash in a heartbeat.
Next, Build nuke plants. Lots of them. Start selling electricity instead of buying, and stop having brownouts every time the mercury goes above 85.
Initiate a "stupidity tax." 1% AGI just for being dumb enough to live in CA, then a sliding scale topping off at 40%--related to a Lohan, Hilton, Spears, Kennedy, or member of the SAG. (Okay, one more bracket--78% if you are a federal employee holding the position of speaker of the house.
Or, pay Lex Luther a million bucks to set of some atomic bombs along the san andreas fault--problem solved. -
5/21/09, 7:51 PM
Anonymous said...
How about "no representation without taxation"? Unless your income tax bill is above a certain level, you do not get to vote. If I have to pay the piper, I ought to get to call the tune.
5/22/09, 7:13 AM