Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just Looking movie tip

Just Looking

 I missed Just Looking during its limited 1999 theatrical release, and only discovered it last year.  It's making the rounds on the movie channels again, and it's a go-to movie for me.  Meaning, I have a hard time passing it by, or go to it just for the sheer joy of it.  Jason Alexander directed.   The beginning scenes may portend just another coming of age movie, and it is that, but the character development takes you to unexpected places.  I love it. Can a hard edged commando assassin agent say "it's sweet?"  No, he cannot. So I'll say it's evocative.

Just looking for this ...
Who knows the name of the movie, I think based on fact, about a 15 year-old  boy whom older women find irresistible.  It's a comedy  set during WWII.  The boy eventually marries one of the women, and goes on the lam to evade the truant officers, so to speak.  When his wife is brought to trial for contributing to a minor, it's suggested that the key to his prowess is found in his britches.  I haven't seen it in 15 years, and can't find it by search methods I've tried.  Thanks.


AnnoyedOne said...

Have you seen Summer of '42?

During his summer vacation on Nantucket Island in 1942, a youth eagerly awaiting his first sexual encounter finds himself developing a contradictorily innocent love for a young woman awaiting news on her soldier husband's fate in WWII.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if you found what you are looking for; but I'll throw this up on the wall...
the woo woo kid?

rockville said...

While we're at it, there was a cold war-era movie made in an iron curtain country (Romania, maybe) about a retiring civil servant and a beauty pageant, except the lights go out and all of the gifts and prizes get stolen.

A great spoof of communism, but I never got the title.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Tom Mann found it too ...


Anonymous said...

@ rockville: Perhaps you are thinking of "The Firemen's Ball" by Milos Forman? Here is the Wikipedia link:
Regards, Paul

rockville said...

Yes, that's it.


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