Thursday, May 21, 2009

Marco Rubio

I don't live in Florida, so I'm no expert on its politics.  I do know this tax cheat Wexler manages to get reelected, but then so do people like  Florida House of Representatives Speaker Marco Rubio.  He resigned recently to run for the Senate, and will face  Gov.  Charlie Crist in the Republican primary.  Listen to Rubio's farewell address where he talks about America.   This is what I'm talking about. This is a real conservative, i.e. American.  If you live in Florida, he might be a guy you'd like to work to get elected


Anonymous said...

He is an accurate representation of Miami's Cuban community. As a midwesterner it has been my good fortune to work within this community for several years now. I have trouble ordering lunch since I don't speak Spanish, but asside from that, I work in the most pro-American conservative community in America. It has been a great gift to hear the stories of the people that endured Castro and then came to find their dreams in America. You can bet I'll do what I can, no good can come from the transexual rino we have as Governor. He has not been a disaster, but he is surely one in the making. He supported the stimulus. Next.

Anonymous said...

Boy! How that lifted my spirit this day. SO discouraged with politicians. SO. Discouraged.

Can barely finish reading or listening to any current events anymore. Even your best efforts here to inform. But that? Give me three Cubans (Freedom in America) for every NY Lib that has invaded this state. Any day. Maybe then FL could lead the way. Along with OK.

We're here for two mos while the kids deploy again. Love it here. So happy to be gone from Cali-fake-a-gasm. Juice

Anonymous said...

Lucky me. I live in Florida but in Corrine Brown-Stain's district.

Anonymous said...

No teleprompter?
Feller must really understand and believe what he says.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we can pack heat in National Parks again. Thank you very much Tom Coburn......from Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains and the Feds move back to DC.

Anonymous said...

The difference between this man and the steaming pile of crap I have representing me(Ed "Pelosi's butt boy" Perlmutter) in Co District 7 is immeasurable. He is actually thinking of running for Gov against the current Dem, Ritter. Sa-weet

But this guy would be fabulous-I can't think of many House members that inspiring. And of course I've read that the National Republican Senatorial Committee(or what ever the hell it's called) backs Crist.

Anonymous said...

Well, let's see: he brought God in on the job, and is part of a big GOP voting bloc so they'll LOVE this guy.

Were I a Floridian, I'd want to hear his take on nuts-and-bolts issues like taxation, the Patriot Act, his take on judicial restraint, closing several hundred government agencies, balancing the budget, and a reversal of the fascism ramping up under The Him's administration.

Knowing the GOP, I am more likely to hear about flag pledging, mandatory voluntary school prayer, and the-homos-'ll-getcha, and other extremely important issues of the day. Same old same old.


- The Friendly Grizzly

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