Thursday, June 18, 2009

ABC - Selling the Big Lie

Of course

Did you watch?  Are you properly shaking in your boots? 
Alarmist nonsense, to be sure.  But nowhere in this report can either the page ABC highlighted or any of its claims of Southern Florida and the Keys doing a lost continent of Atlantis impression be found. That page, shown at 0:36, simply does not exist in the report.  So then, exactly where did it come from?
The updated answer, it seems, is "the graphic ABC misrepresented as part of the official report is, in fact, a slide from the PowerPoint presentation used to launch the report yesterday. "  Which says all that needs saying about the integrity of ABC, and anyone else trying to force the Big Lie down our throats.  
Marc Morano of Climate Depot has put together a “Sampling of Scientific Reactions to [the government] report,” which includes Meteorologist Joe D'Aleo’s assessment that “this is not a work of science but an embarrassing episode for the authors and NOAA [primary report contributors, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration].”   D’Aleo points out that they’ve “delivered a document even more alarmist than the UN IPCC.”

And yet, not alarming enough, it would appear, for the Waxman-Markey proponents over at ABC.


Anonymous said...

I think that last phrase should read "Waxman - Malarkey" ..

Mark in Arlington

B....... said...

ABC and CBS are in a Most Prolific BS contest. Each appear to be way ahead of the other.

A Buncha Crap and See BS......

Chuck said...

Would an underwater southern Florida really be all that bad? (Assuming of course, that a certain something... and half of something author could be rescued.)

Helly said...

Tell you this, Rodge: I've been looking at a concrete seawall in Sarasota Bay for almost 40 years. The water is not climbing.

Of course, that's just what my lying eyes are telling me.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I thought you lived in Maine. Or Vermont?

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Obama comes on right at the time I'm getting dressed and I saw the first 10 minutes of that god-awful propaganda show.

First up, President Obama blah blah followed by the Obama administration blah blah, then todays Global Warming bullshit followed by REPUBLICAN Sen Ensign in a bizarre scandal. Diane Sawyer is like a crack whore in a toilet stall with two glory holes and Obama on one side, Bill Clinton on the other.

Col Cpl Mark
Barn Army PC Tech

Anonymous said...

Lemme see here, if southern Florida is under water, that would mean that Cuba, most of the Caribbean islands, whole chunks of all of Florida, and large parts of all the coastal states would be swimming with the fishes.
Gee, maybe I can get a job with the lack wits who wrote that piece of dreck.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm done. Tonight I de-programmed the local ABC affiliate from my TV. No longer will I watch anything on ABC or any of its affiliates.

Anonymous said...

"Climate change is happening"....

Well kids, look at the sea walls at Dry Tortugas and Key West. Those tide lines have not moved in 150 years. Everglades Natnl park has a high elevation of 1" and it has not changed a bit.

Hope someone is recording this trash so we can embarrass them in 20 years. I would love to have a copy of Al Gore saving the American people from Rock in Roll in '87

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