Wednesday, June 10, 2009


What happened to the car that ran on ... ?

I've lost track of all the seemingly miraculous engines, fuels, and power sources I've seen demonstrated on web videos.  I know you've seen them too, because I still get e-mails with "Have You Seen This" headers, and a link to one of them.  Like Stan Meyer's Dune Buggy that ran on water.    We've all asked "whatever happend?"  Last night on Rollye James's show, a caller from Florida brought the subject up.  (4 minutes)


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I'll add to Rollye's explanation the geopolitical factor. Think for a moment what would happen if everything ran on air. We're talking loss of stock equity that dwarfs the Obama disaster. Gummint would ... I was gonna say be bankrupt, but that, as we see, just makes them angrier, and more militantly grabby. The Arabs (Muslims) would be without power, influence, or a front section news story. Absolutely nobody would give a crap about them. Kiss Israel goodbye, because they'd no longer have strategic value to the U.S., or anyone for that matter. That's why men in black won't allow it to happen, IMO.

Anonymous said...

that's what they said about toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree Rog. I love it when people say that weening ourselves off oil is a peace solution. If you remove oil revenue from Arab nations you have a combined economy equal to Sweden, where most of the wealth is owned by ruling families. The poverty and starvation would be immediate. How would that endear the rag's to us? Of course liberals never think things this far.

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