Monday, June 01, 2009

Republican Party - a rusted entity

"La Raza unida nunca sera vencida!

The GOP leadership spent yesterday morning downplaying objections to Sonia Sotomayor’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination and dashing hopes a controversial speech she made in 2001 would be grounds for a filibuster.

Conservatives, such as talk show host Rush Limbaugh and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have called Judge Sotomayor’s comment racist, but those in the Senate are trying to distance themselves from such sentiments. Instead, Senate Republicans are downplaying Judge Sotomayor’s race comments and are attempting to focus the confirmation debate on her record rather than the politically charged topic of her personal beliefs. [Senators Dismiss Concerns ... ]
Which is precisely why the Republican Party is a political irrelevancy today.  Her spoken opinion that  a Latino is better qualified to make judicial decisions than white males is entirely consistent with her membership in the radical La Raza.
  In La Raza's calculus, any restriction on the free movement of immigrants constitutes a violation of their civil rights, and any reduction in government assistance to illegal border-crossers is "a disgrace to American values." Thus La Raza supports continued mass Mexican immigration to the United States, and hopes to achieve, by the sheer weight of numbers, the re-partition of the American Southwest as a new state called Aztlan -- to be controlled by its alleged rightful owners, the people and government of Mexico. La Raza is also a sponsoring organization of the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Coalition, which seeks to secure ever-expanding rights and civil liberties protections for illegal immigrants, and policy reforms that diminish or eliminate future restrictions on immigration. At many of the "pro-immigration" rallies that NCLR members have attended in recent times, their signature slogan has been: "La Raza unida nunca sera vencida!" ("The united [Hispanic] race will never be defeated!")
Here, read about what La Raza's mission .  Here's a few:
  • It supports access to driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.

  • It opposes the REAL ID Act, which requires that all driver's license and photo ID applicants be able to verify they are legal residents of the United States, and that the documents they present to prove their identity are genuine. According to La Raza, this law "opens the door to widespread discrimination and civil rights violations."

  • It opposes the Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act (CLEAR), which would empower state and local law-enforcement authorities to enforce federal immigration laws. La Raza argues this would "result in higher levels of racial profiling, police misconduct, and other civil rights violations."

  • It lobbies for racial and ethnic preferences (affirmative action) and set-asides in hiring, promotions, and college admissions.

  • It supports bilingual education and bilingual ballots.

  • It supports voting rights for illegal aliens.

  • It supports stricter hate-crime laws.
  • La Raza seeks to inculcate young people with its worldview by funding a number of charter schools that advocate ethnic separatism and anti-American, anti-white attitudes.
How instructive it is that the Republican Party  will sign off on this. 


JMcD said...

The GOP leadership seems to have acquired a taste for ass kissing that they just can't shake....Maybe their trunks need a good Lysoling.

JMcD said...

Ooops....Wrong end...Should'a said, their asses need a good reaming.....or both.

Anonymous said...

One could argue any number of reasons why Cruz Bustamante lost the CA primary to replace Gray Davis, but I like to think it was his connection to La Raza. That. And the fact that The Terminator entered the race. And boy, has he ever Terminated California! Ta-dum-bum...


Anonymous said...

GOP Leadership = oxy Morons

I blame them. We knew the Dems were Marxists. I'm not asking Mel Martinez to shed his blood. Would being unpopular in the media as you retire be too much to ask?

Can't wait till he's replaced by the transvestite Charlie Crist.

B....... said...

I keep coming back to the rusted elephant picture – it’s made me cry, and not in a good way. It’s a habanero bite. The bastards! They killed Kenny…..

Anonymous said...

The GOP "leadership" is reason #1 to start laying the foundation for a new party. Perhaps tap that anger in the Tea Parties. Maybe collect a large pool of money that is only released to true conservatives, not just any GOPer.


Kristopher said...

Don't need a new party. Need to take back the GOP.

If the tea bag crowd would invade and take over their local precinct committees, this could all be fixed in short order.

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