scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ten Books
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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renojim said...
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
6/22/09, 12:38 PM
Alear said...
Paul Johnson's Modern Times. Definitely a game changer in my life. If nothing else, check out the Amazon reviews at that link.
6/22/09, 3:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Hmmmm, so many books, so little time. As a boy, I read Farley's series on The Black Stallion. How can you omit Brideshead?
Casca -
6/22/09, 3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Hilton Kramer would be the first, I'm sure, to tell you that reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated.
6/22/09, 4:47 PM
Anonymous said...
But Rodge! (says Cuzzin Rick), you forgot All Things Flashman!!!
6/22/09, 5:38 PM
Anonymous said...
My Secret Life.
6/22/09, 6:05 PM
- Billll said...
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Weapon Shops of Isher
The Marching Morons
Yeah, yeah, super geek. -
6/22/09, 7:01 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Wow, how the heck did I think Kramer was gone? Must be somebody's fault, but I'm glad he isn't. Wait, I know. I confused him with Balint Vazsonyi, whose book "America's Thirty Years War: Who is Winning?" I meant to include in my list. He died in 2003. Sorry. I'm old and afraid.
PS: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich was also on my list, but left out by accident.
The Flashman books are a delight, and could easily be included.
: -
6/22/09, 8:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Y'all are a bunch of 'metrosexuals'. My first was Summer of '42. I learned of 4play.
Tim -
6/22/09, 8:58 PM
Laurence said...
The Catcher in the Rye was my least favorite Salinger book. I prefer the books that dealt with the Glass family.
For Heinlein, I would have to go with Starship Troopers. The book, that is, although some of the special effects in the movie were amazing: those tits looked real!
If you like 1984 check out Homage to Catolina to find out how a nice socialist boy became the spokesperson for anti-totalitarianism.
And I would take John Hersey's The Wall over anything by Leon Uris any day. -
6/22/09, 11:52 PM
- David aka True Blue Sam said...
"Home Country" by Ernie Pyle is pretty good, too. That book and "Brave Men" are markers of what we should be.
6/23/09, 1:03 AM
- markshere2 said...
I'm a voracious reader and I LOVE your list.
Why do you link to Amazon?
They sell books from nambla promoting pedophilia (specifically homosexual pedophilia). When questioned about the morality of it, they cite the first amendment and continue to profit from the exploitation of children.
Google amazon and nambla to see for yourself.
Yes the authors have the right to write that crap and Amazon has the right to sell it.
I have the right to boycott amazon for their profit choices, and I do.
I urge you to do likewise.
Giving amazon advertising is just plain wrong.
Again - great books. -
6/23/09, 7:06 AM
JMcD said...
Since my eyes sorta went to hell in my latter days, I confine my reading material to things like, Famous Jewish Athletes, Outstanding European Role Models For Americans,Fighting For What's Right-The Republican Statesman,The Passing Parade Of Democrat Truthtellers......Man..My eyes never felt so good.
6/23/09, 7:20 AM
molonlabe28 said...
I would add "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross.
6/23/09, 12:54 PM