Friday, July 24, 2009

Colliers - 1951

On 27 October 1951, the US magazine Collier’s devoted an entire 130-page issue to the theme of “Russia’s Defeat and Occupation, 1952-1960; Preview of the War We Do Not Want.” The cover showed an American soldier in a helmet emblazoned with US and UN insignia, reading MP (Military Police) Occupation Forces.

Collier’s Magazine devoted 60,000 words to the hypothetical aftermath of a Third World War, which would start in 1952 and in which the US and UN would defeat the Soviet Union. The articles described, among others, an “A-Bomb Mission to Moscow” (the famous broadcaster Edward R. Murrow writing about a hypothetical B-36 raid destroying the Soviet capital from an ‘embedded’ perspective). (Continued)
Heads-up: Kristopher


David aka True Blue Sam said...

A person close to me spent a good part of the '60's in England training for nuclear missions over USSR. They were suicide missions; the flash from the bombs they would use would melt the control surfaces on their planes. But if they flew the missions there would be on England to land in, anyway. We are lucky to be alive today.

Chuck Martel said...

My bet is the best the U.S. and Allies could have hoped to control would be that part of Eastern Europe west of the Urals. China would have walked across the Altai Mountains (a hard thing to do due to the lack of passes) and picked up most of the 'Stans and maybe to east of the Urals.

Kristophr said...

I stole the link from The Munchkin Wrangler, btw.

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