Massachusetts shows how ObamaCare would really work. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Massachusetts shows how ObamaCare would really work. |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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article, written by a boston doctor, has some yadda yadda in it, but it makes a good case against RomneyCare.
I'll bring here two of them about RomneyCare that to me really drive it home.
First, for an individual earning $31,213, the cheapest plan is around $9,872 in premiums and out-of-pocket payments. That's a third of your income.
Think about that. A third of your income to someone at that level. That's supposed to be affordable?
Second, at Cambridge Heath Alliance, Cancer treatments have been interrupted because some patients can't afford the copayments.
If that's true, then that one reason alone is reason enough to shut down RomneyCare for the good of all. And, reason enough to shut down Romney himself, for the good of all.
Let's look at the existing plan, Medicare. If it is so great then why doesn't it cover 100% of the medical costs? Seniors on SS can expect to pay a $300-$500 monthly "premium" for a private supplemental insurance plan for "Medigap". Take $300 or $500 from a SS stipend of $800 to $1000 and that old fart is soon begging for the end. Holden will be there for them too!!! The feds can't even fund what's already there. with the up coming inflation about to hit fixed incomes they are dead meat. It was called Genocide in the day's of Josef Memgele.
Don't like Romney, wouldn't vote for him. DO luv the imagery you chose to define your point!
The iron clad test for any national health care bill is all elected officials, now and future, must be covered and accept it as their sole source of medical care for themselves and their immediate family. Let Teddy be the trial case.
Mudgeon from Texas
Romney is the bright-lightbulb that signed RomneyCare. No way I am voting for him in 2012.
Huckabee is a complete idiot. He is the reason we got John "Yosemite Sam" McCain in 2008.
Who does that leave?
Oh yeah! Sarah Palin
This is why compromise and bipartisanship and all that other feel-good PC bullshit is so dangerous.
Crush them under the heel of a jackboot. They are traitors to the principles America was founded upon.
Just to be clear, I'm speaking of RINOs as well as Democrats here.
Although personally I am quite content with existing explosives, I feel we must not stand in the path of improvement.
-- Winston Churchill
Romney will be our next president. If you wish to change him, do it now, while he's not overly busy. While we all here recognize that tRKoF is the best man for the job, we know that's not gonna happen. Got someone better? I'm influencable, tho not easily. In the meantime, I'll grant that Sarah Palin will be huge in the next election season, we're gonna gain more than a few seats in Congress because of her campaigning for the good guys.
Peace all, and you really don't wanna know the Turing word I've been staring at while writing (OK, I'll tell ya, it's 'goryle').
Of course Romney is cream and strawberries next to Obama, but if we only replace that regime with another Bush clone, we've learned nothing. It really appears to me that Sarah is in the process of building a new party, and I'm solidly behind her. An amalgam of conservative republicans, democrats, and libertarians. No old faces allowed on the board.
I agree with you about Mitt Romeny and about Sarah, Rodge.
Romney is a beta male for whom I will not vote under any circumstances.
He is emblamatic of the paucity of core values in the Republican Party.
In the Reagan years, our conservative values dictated our national policies.
For the last 10 years, "practical" pols like Tom Delay and Dennis Hastert had no core values other than getting re-elected.
In addition to doing a terrible job at their one objective and losing power at every level, the Republican Party has no brand appeal.
It looks like a bunch of D.C. functionaries who have lost power and can't figure out why.
The Republican Party has totally betrayed my conservative values and no longer interests me (except at the state level, where Republicans generally behave in a consrvative manner).