scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, July 24, 2009
New Joisey
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Sorry to go off topic so soon but, has anybody been keeping up on the Cambridge cops thing? Our gic is commenting that the cops acted "stupidly" and the cop is pissed saying he should keep his yap shut when he hasn't even read the report. I say this "presidink" of yours (never will be mine) has a huge chip on his shoulder and is just waiting for a chance to drop it on some poor unsuspecting soul. This is going to end badly and not sure for who.
Bolivar -
7/24/09, 7:35 AM
Anonymous said...
I think Will Rogers would have enjoyed sharing that quote, especially: "... I'm not surprised by the politicians."
barefootlad -
7/24/09, 8:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Reminds me of the story of the priest and the rabbi sitting in the pew listening to the choir practice. The priest leans over, and whispers in his friends ear, "How'd you like to screw that choirboy over there?"
The rabbi pulls back, looks at him strangely, and asks, "Out of what?"
Casca -
7/24/09, 7:04 PM
- LindaSoG said...
Casca, you remind of the story of the Catholic and Jew who grew up together and at 18 went out into the world and agreed to meet again in 20 years on the same corner.
20 year pass and they meet. The Catholic had become a priest and the Jew, a rabbi. They talk for a bit and then the church bells ring.
The priest excuses himself, for he must go and hear confession. The rabbi says, I've always wondered what that was like. So the priest says, well, you're a man of God, come and find out.
So off they go. They get in the confession box and wait. Then... in walks a beautiful woman and kneels and she says, Bless me Father, for I have sinned. And the priest says, what have you done my child. and she says, Oh Father! I have slept with three men this week. And the priest says, that is a terrible sin, you should not do these things. Three hails Marys, and put a dollar in the Charity box, your sin shall be forgiven. Thank you Father, she says, and off she goes.
The rabbi is silent, thinking, and then the priest says, listin, I have to go the bathroom. If anyone comes in, just say what I said, okay, and off he runs!
and wouldn't you know it, in comes another beautiful woman, and she kneels and she says Bless me Father, for I have sinned. and the rabbi says, nu, what have you done? and she says, I have slept with two men this week Father! So. The rabbi thinks about that for a minute and then he say, oy! Go out and do it again! it's three for a dollar here! -
7/24/09, 7:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Two of the best jokes I have heard in along time!
ozaoB -
7/24/09, 8:41 PM