got a lot of flak the last year for writing two or three columns
suggesting the Europeans and other Leftists abroad might be careful
about what they wish for in Obama: he might well leap-frog over them,
leaving them all with the world they used to fantasize about, while in
reality they profited from the world they demonized. (As I wrote, a
keen Frenchman whispered to me at a reception “There is room for only
one to play Obama — and we are already Obama.”)
Comrade Hugo
Consider: the U.S. reacted quickly and meddled unambiguously in
condemning the Honduran arrest of President Zelaya. It mattered little
that for the first time in memory we Americans now were on the side of
autocrats like Castro, Chavez, Morales, and Ortega in showing
revolutionary solidarity with Zelaya ( and of course the U.N. as well).
We cared little that both the Honduran Supreme Court and Parliament had
acted lawfully in ordering their President’s removal on grounds that he
had acted unconstitutionally, in bold, unlawful efforts to obtain a
third presidential term through a likely rigged plebiscite.
(It would be analogous to an Obama or Bush demanding a third term,
illegally acquiring ballots to force a plebiscite, ignoring a
Congressional conviction of impeachment, and a Supreme Court edict of
unconstitutionality, only to be arrested by the Joint Chiefs and
escorted out of the country). [continued]
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