scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
They can erase it from your hard drive remotely, but they'll refund to your credit card every dime you paid for it.
Or you can simply print the whole page to a PDF file.
I use an addon to Firefox that can be set to grab the complete page/frame, the visable portion, selection, or Window. I save mine in jpeg and then zoom in to a readable size. I like it and use it a lot.
Dang, this place is educational!
Thanks guys!
With Irfanview you can capture whole screen, single window or just the viewing area of a single window. Free too.
alt-printscreen puts the top window in the clipboard.
Open up a paint program and hit paste.
Why is this hard?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not being smug and condescending.
If you read the first sentence the Real King of France wrote, you will see why Alt PrintScreen is not as good.
"It beats screen cap [Alt-Prt Scr] because it gets the whole page, not just the visible."
Alt Print Screen only captures the visible part of the window. The cool solutions offered here capture all of the window, both the visible part and the part you'd otherwise have to scroll down to see.
Previously, if you had wanted to capture a long web page that required lots of scrolling to see, you'd have to press Alt PrtScr, save the result, scroll down, press Alt PrtScr, save the result... and so on and so on until you got all the window and then you'd have to stitch the images back together one at a time using a paint type program. What a PITA.
That is why previously screen capture was so hard for very long or very wide windows.
These solutions avoid all that work. Understand now?
PS: HAHahaha...turing word: surly
Thanks! I've used irfanview for years and I never bothered to use or even see the screen capture function. That's even better!
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