scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, July 27, 2009
Porker Protest

"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
So do cooked PETA protesters taste like chicken?
7/27/09, 8:57 PM
- Nate said...
Tasty, tasty torture.
7/27/09, 10:18 PM
- Jack said...
Idiots, KFC doesn't raise, kill or process it's chicken, it purchases chickens from, at any given time, approximately 16 different suppliers who collectively operate up to 52 facilities around the country.
Pilgrim's Pride and Tyson are the biggest suppliers for KFC, McDonalds Burger King and others. -
7/27/09, 11:30 PM
Anonymous said...
That's a picture worth a thousand words.
ozaoB -
7/28/09, 12:34 AM
Anonymous said...
PETAman craves some KFC, but he can't let the others know. He joined PETA to pick up chicks, but now he must choose; breasts or drumsticks.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/28/09, 12:40 AM
- pdwalker said...
drumsticks or skinny vegan breasts?
I'll take the drumsticks please! -
7/28/09, 1:03 AM
Anonymous said...
That fat bastard does not look like he has missed too many KFC meals now does he?
Bolivar -
7/28/09, 7:02 AM
Anonymous said...
It's not like they were waterboarded.
7/28/09, 9:52 AM
Anonymous said...
I know where skinny Peta puke is headed for lunch.
7/28/09, 1:41 PM
- Kristophr said...
Bolivator: That fat bastard will probably outlive the protein starved PETA'rd.
7/28/09, 1:44 PM
- Gayle Miller said...
I grew up on a farm and we raised chickens - for their eggs and for Sunday dinner! They are stupid, stupid creatures. Their best redeeming quality is how delicious they are!
7/28/09, 1:44 PM
- Scottiebill said...
The only thing missing in the picture is the drools over the chicken that the PETA nut-case is about to have.
7/28/09, 3:08 PM