Thursday, July 30, 2009


Downhill Racer

The poll has other bad news for Democrats and President Obama.  The percentage of people who believe the country is on the wrong track has risen six points since April.  The percentage of people who approve of the way Obama is handling the economy has dipped below 50 percent for the first time.  The percentage of people who approve of his handling of the health care issue is 41 percent, with 46 percent disapproving.  The percentage of people who have a positive opinion of Obama is down nine points since April.  The percentage of people who say the president has strong leadership qualities, can be trusted to keep his word, will work with people of different viewpoints, is likable -- all those numbers are down.

In sum, the poll results are bad news across the board for the president and his party.  That doesn't mean equally good news for Republicans; the people polled are still not ready to say they would rather have ....

Read the rest here [New poll is bad, bad news for Obama, Democrats] .  The WSJ poll mirrors what Rasmussen has been reporting all this month - Obama's in a swan dive.  I concur that this bad news for democrats does not mean good news for Republicans, because nobody knows who the hell they are anymore.  In their defense however,  it must be noted that their efforts in Congress to stop this Marxist steamroller get zero mention in the media that doesn't include "obstructionist."  The media continue to swim in the Obama tank.

Speaking of Newsweek ... kudos!  For the second time since 1992  a Newsweek embedded sycophant has made good.  Joe Klein  repaid  Newsweek readers in 1992 by failing to mention anything at all about the feckless nature of the Clintons he was witnessing live, opting instead to put it all in Primary Colors. "   We got Clinton, Klein got a movie deal. Now, Newsweek's Obama embedded reporter Daren Briscoe will start a new job on Monday as Deputy Associate Director of Public Affairs for the Office of National Drug Control Policy. 

But, can anything Newsweek's done recently by way of pimping Obama beat this week's cover?  Egad. Retire the trophy.


Anonymous said...

Of course I can't prove it but I've always suspected that Obama thinks of himself as a one term President. His only goal, IMO, is to introduce as many Marxist policies (not just economic) as possible. Once they're in they won't be undone.

Even Obama can't think he'd turn the US in a "Socialist paradise" in 4 years. However he can do in one term what others have spent the last 50 years doing with small steps.

Anonymous said...

Obama can leave a lot of doors open for the progressives that will be tough for freedom loving Americans to close.

Anonymous said...

Re "Of course I can't prove it but I've always suspected that Obama thinks of himself as a one term President."

Yep - a one term president.... from 2009 through whenever he finally expires ala his buttie Fidel Castro. Then he can pass the reigns to either the wookie or sasha and malia .

Scottiebill said...

Speaking of the First "Lady", using the term "Lady" quite loosely, has anyone noticed that she always looks like she has a big pinch of snoose in her lower lip?

Anonymous said...

Are female Wookie's called "ladies"? Someone call George Lucas.

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