Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Russians Snub The Him

Not only is Dubya despised in America, he is an international laughingstock. Bush's preemptive, unilateral, unethical, unconstitutional, criminal, counterproductive, doomed-to-fail, and idiotic invasion and occupation has turned the whole world against him.

There are myriad reasons to vote for Obama: His anti-war stance, national health care plan, pro gay rights position, solid green credentials, bipartisan attitude, progressive vision, message of hope and change...

But one of the most compelling reasons is that Obama will restore American's good name in the international community. The world's only remaining superpower should not be an international pariah.

Some nutroot , last year.

Not only didn't the Obamedia tell us about him snubbing  Berlusconi at the G8, they neglected to cover what was the story in an otherwise uneventful trip to Moscow. That Russian snub of a United States President you just watched is unprecedented in US History. Way to restore America's good name and prestige Mr. Obama, or whatever your name is.  And while I'm at it, look at this Bush Scandals List another nutroot compiled last year.  To nutroots, it's a scandal when they lose an election.  Scan it.  See if you can find a single legitimate crime, or even a jaywalking misdemeanor in the lot.  Then compareAnd weep.  Weep over what we had, and frittered away.


DoubleU said...

I am going to play devil's advocate here. It looks like Barak* is introducing Medvedev to each person, not offering his hand for a shake. I am not jumping on this one.

*White House approved spelling.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

And I'm going to play gracious loser on that point. You are correct. My conclusion stands, but this is a good lesson. Don't let revulsion for someone result in what happened here. I allowed his umbrella of evil incompetence to project something that wasn't there. As for you Mr. Obama, GFY anyway.

Anonymous said...

Dang! Funsuckers.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"Funsuckers!" I love it. Here's a $10,000 in Obama money rebate on your next Obama car purchase.

Anonymous said...

As usual that leftard made a number of typos. Let me correct them for him:
"Not only is Dubya despised on the left in America, he is an international leader. Bush's long overdue, multinational, just, Congressionally authorized, heroic, productive, ultimately successful, and selfless defense and liberation has turned the whole left side of the world against him.

There are myriad reasons to vote against Obama: his anti-war stance, national health care plan, pro gay rights position, solid green credentials, far left partisan attitude, Marxist vision, empty message of hope and change...

But one of the most compelling reasons is that Obama will destroy America's good name in the international community. The world's only remaining superpower should not be an international pariah."
That's better.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

ah ... the petard thing. beauty.

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