Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Saul Alinsky works both ways

I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin
The Republicans bring a knife to a gunfight, and lose again.

Claire, Edgy Redneck has her take on this David Kahane NRO Post, I still hate you Sarah Palin. I'll just say -- read it.  Read it all.  No. I can't just leave it at that.  Here's some stuff.  First, you have to pretend you're reading this on HuffPo, or such.   
One of the most terrifying moments of my political life came last summer at the Republican convention in St. Paul. No, I don’t mean seeing John McCain careering around the Xcel Energy Center like Eyegore in Young Frankenstein, his face frozen in a Lon Chaney Sr. rictus grin as he reached across the aisle to his erstwhile friends in the media and got his hand bitten off. Rather, I’m referring to the aftermath of Sarah Palin’s outrageous acceptance speech, which whipped up the Rotary Club delegates into a frenzy of white-boy fury that not even heckling by a brave Code Pink embed could deter. Truly a fascist classic and one that sent shivers down our collectivist spines.
See?  Now go, because the message is one that the Republican party needs desperately to learn, and everybody here knows it. 
Yes, my friends, it’s once again time to quote Sean Connery’s famous speech from The Untouchables, written by David Mamet — the lecture the veteran Chicago cop gives a wet-behind-the-ears Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner, back when he was a movie star) while they sit in a church pew. “You want to get Capone? Here’s how you get him: he pulls a knife, you pull a gun, he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way!” If you just think of us — liberal Democrats — as Capone you’ll begin to understand what we’re up to. And we just put one of yours in the morgue.
I got caught up in the imagery a bit more than is healthy, but I can think of  no better metaphor.
If you had any sense, you would start using our tactics against us. After all, you have a few lawyers on your side. Sue us. File frivolous ethics complaints against all our elected officials until, like Sarah, they go broke from defending themselves. (David Paterson would be a good place to start.) Challenge the constitutionality of BO2’s legion of fill-in-the-blank czars — none of whom have to be confirmed, or even pass a security check. (Come to think of it, neither did Barry.) Let slip your own journalistic dogs of war, assuming you have any, to find Barry’s birth certificate, his college transcripts, whether he applied to Occidental as a foreign student, and on which passport he traveled in 1981 to Pakistan with his friend Wahid Hamid, for starters.  ... and Jane Dystel.
Whew. Blood lust.


JMcD said...

For as long as I can remember,Democrats have been more than willing and able to fight dirty (with every possible assistance of the F*CKING MSM), and the Republicans have been more than willing to stand by with one thumb in their ear and one thumb in their gullet, convinced they were doing 'the right thing'.If these ignoramus Republicans don't wise up and wake up then I suppose the Conservatives will create a new party which will be a self defeating tactic.Might as well call it the "Divide Us And Conquer Us Party"... I've waited most of my lifetime to see the Republcans stand up, grow some balls, and throw some shit back at the classic shit throwers...Every time they "Bork", or now "Palin" one of ours,I become more disgusted and forlorn.....Will our people ever develop some pride and some gumption? ....Can't help being pessimistic after seeing no retaliation against those Democrat bastards in all these many, many years of insults and ass kickings inflicted on the Right.

El Jefe said...


This is EXACTLY the reason I left the GOP - NO BALLS! I did this the day after (when they had not only the majority, but the VOTES) they caved in to the MINORITY not to drill in ANWAR.

Hey! Micheal Steele! I voted for you! NOW DO SOMETHING! And when you do, call me. I'll come back when you've all grown spines.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the bar for a bourbon...

Anonymous said...

Somebody filling in for either glen beck or rush today was sayin that the republicans need to learn to start dishing it out.

The democrats are using a combination of Machiavelli, alinsky and beezelbub. The republicans are trying to counter with "I love you, you love me, we're a happy fam i ly"

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Unfortunately, I think we're at the point where actual iron will have to be employed. Winced? Me too, but it's true and you know it.

Anonymous said...

So my 16 year old says I think some of the republicans are just like the Scotish Lords in Braaveheart; more interested in thier own treasure than the nation. They are traitors...
Orin Hatch, are you listening?

Anonymous said...

I'm taking a break from welding up KillDozer2. But, YEAH we need to do something besides bitch to each other on the web.

Einar "Eine Bieren" Kleinholz said...

The first thing we have to do is create a media network to rival theirs. It won't be easy; they have a head start.

Still, we need to, because in politics, perception is reality. The media as we know it defines the debate. They know if they get out in front of a story and define the terms, they are halfway to victory.

Case in point: they still call this Honduras mess a "military coup". Was it? I think not. It was a court action to remove their president according to constitutional guidelines. If you've read the story behind the story, you know this.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

If you accept that Obama is a hard core communist, a lot of things make sense.

Gayle Miller said...

I have a ten-year-old Maine Coon cat with bigger balls than most Republicans and he's been FIXED!

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