Peggy Noonan |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Peggy Noonan |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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I read this Noonan column this morning and barfed. She is part of the elite Republicans that think we can win being democrat/lite. IOW, abandon our principles and accept what the CSMF liberals are doing and say we can do it better.
Tell you what Peggy, STFU, OK? You and your ilk got what you wanted in '08 and despite the unbelievably poorly run campaign by McCain(can you imagine not bringing Obama's track record into the debate???), he still almost managed to pull it out.
The fact it wasn't a blow out is for one reason and one reason only-and that reason is Sarah Palin. I don't know one of my conservative friends who doesn't love this woman and conversely, every liberal I know either hates her, thinks she's stupid and hopes she runs for president-that I call whistling past the graveyard.
I'll tell you one thing, if Sarah does run, you'll see greater enthusiasm for her then there was for Obama-and the liberals know this, hate her and are scared to death of her.
Ask yourself this, name one losing vice presidential candidate that hasn't just faded away-hell name one losing vice presidential candidate-but her losing wasn't enough for the haters on the left, they had to do what ever they could to hound her.
Why don't we do this?
Remember that Joan of Arc would never have been named a saint if she had not first inspired her countrymen to attack and defeat the British armies and save her country. Otherwise, she would have been just another seamstress in a little village. (Of course, she ended up being burned at the stake as a witch for her efforts.)
Boss, I'm finding a lot of uncomfortable comparisons here.
I am through with the effervescent, hopey-changey Peggy Noonan and her plaintive drivel.
She is reminding me more and more of Arianna, princess of class envy-infected masses, who is presently on a Greek isle with her gay ex-husband and their 2 daughters.
My eyes are turned toward Alaska waiting for Sarah to start her trek toward 2012.
It's rather ironic that the Republican Party had no problem with her coming down to save Saxby Chambliss in his run-off.
I don't recall seeing Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham or any of the other Republican Senate Lilliputians being called on to campaign for Chambliss.
Sarah will soon be speaking to sold out, SRO crowds and the Republican Party and the MSM will continue to be apoplectic about a real-life, genuine Christian who doesn't need her husband's name or money (got that Arianna?) to succeed.
What Sarah lacks in glitz and glam (which actually count as values to the celebrity culitists of the Democrat Party and the MSM) she makes up with values - something the Republican Party used to have but that it jettisoned (think Tom Delay and Dennis Hastert) for practicality and illusions of success at the ballot boxes.
Sure, Peggy is washed up, has been since the turn of the century. Still, I've never been terribly impressed with Palin as a shrewd politician, and resigning the governorship only confirms that opinion. She's great on the campaign trail, she really knows how to work a crowd, but I doubt she could corral the bureaucracy of DC very well, and Putin would eat her lunch. Still, she should have had the top of the ticket compared to McCain. She looked a bit like Joan d'Arc standing next to him.
I feel the same way. I hated McCain from the moment the 'party' annouced he was the winning candidate before two states had held the primaries. Way to short circuit the process and lock the people's choice out. I always felt that McCain was just Obama lite. He is not conservative in any way shape or form. I almost did not vote for him but he got Sarah; then I had to vote for the ticket. I love Sarah's ploitics and her track record. Being against the corruption in your own party is somethign I will stand up for. I will vote for her again if she ever has an opportunity to run. The 'we are smarter than you' crowd like noonan and the RNC in general have lost the greater part of what used to be the party of conservatism. The more left they go the more voters they lose. And yet they keep saying we need to be more like liberals to win and nothing could be farther from hte truth. Liberal fascism disgusts me. I want smaller goverment, a lower tax bill, more individual freedom.
For what it's worth, I've been a subscriber to the WSJ since the 80s. I've read the despicable Peggy Noonan's mash notes to Barack Obama weekly in the Saturday WSJ since the inauguration.
Today, I read her screed against Sarah Palin. I immediately cancelled my subscription and told them why.
Noonan, Colin Powell, Christopher Buckley and Joe Scarborough are all in the same class as Henry Waxman, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, et al.