Friday, July 17, 2009


Big Screen = Big Deal
A Real Sicko Antidote


Anonymous said...

Michael Moore, John Edwards, Bill Clinton and Bernie Sanders(btw, WTF is up with Vermont??) are advocating it, well do me with a cattle prod, I'll just STFU and sit down.

Wow 2-3 years to get a blood test from the government and/or $900 for a physical from a private clinic. I think there would be a lot of violence here if there was this level of incompetence in our health care system. What in God's name were the Canadians thinking?

Speaking of John Edwards, is he the biggest prick of the last couple years or what? And was that Moore's chin poking out from all that fat? And he thinks he's going to see an additional 3 years of life if we have a socialized health care system?

Just a few thoughts

Anonymous said...

Best way to reduce health care costs is to put a limit on how much people like Edwards can sue for.

Wabano said...


In Florida, health care does not exist
unless you are a government
or big corporation fat cat. employee.

For example, a scintigram, necessary to maintain my pilot licence,
cost me $6,000(cash or credit card on the spot)in Florida, same $300 in
a private clinic in Michigan
and ZERO in Canada.

Health care cost you
$800 a year in Canada, $2,000
a month in Florida.
And it sucked big time for the twelve years I was there for the
service...just try ANY emergency
room in ANY Florida hospital,
you'll NEVER wait less than ten hours, dieing or not!

Man, you got Bolsheviks in the White House and THIS is the battle
American Conservative have chosen to fight?
Protecting the rackets of millionaire medical bloodsucking

The big lie may work for nazis and commies, but conservatives are
not very apt at it.

My mother and aunts all have artificial hips or knees,
they waited less than a couple weeks and it was free and
the service was excellent.

Try that in Florida!!!

And it's true across the board,
dont listen to the hypochondriacs
who HAVE to be controlled or kicked out, they are also all welfare queens and have to be stepped on!

RKV said...

Wabano, Nothing is ever FREE. Nothing. Someone paid the doctor even if your relations did not. Taxes pay the doctors in Canada. And many times people there have to wait for treatment. Proven fact. and life expectancies are not significantly different. So stop trying to feed others that bullshit.

LindaSoG said...

Sorry Wabano. You're full of shit. I live in North Miami Beach, Fla.

It just so happens that I just visited the emergency room here in sunny South Florida, they thought I might have a blood clot in my leg, side effect from a medication I'm taking. The ultrasound was negative, Thank G-d. I was in there three hours, and while I was there, they took an x-ray too.

I had a brain tumor last year. I had the latest version of GammaKnife, fresh out of the box only a few months before, and I had it less then 2 months after diagnosis.

It was my second brain tumor.

If I get another and we have 0bamacare, chances are, they'll just give me some morphine and send me home to die. GammaKnife surgery is expensive, and I'll be too old for such an investment.

Take a look at what's happening in Mass, where they have RomneyCare. They're sending cancer patients home without treatment if they can't pay the co-payment.

No one gets hip or knee replacement surgery in less than a couple of weeks. No one. Even the Canadian government itself doesn't make that claim. Who do you think you're kidding?

Sorry Wabano. You're barking up the wrong tree.

Anonymous said...

Wabano, you might want to learn a little about the Canadian health care system before you claim it costs $800 a year - that $800 is only the fee that you pay to government that's specifically labelled as "health care" - the rest comes out of general revenues (a fancy way of saying income taxes).


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Wabano, we're torn between your experience and Linda's, buttressed by the video we just watched, and thousands of similar testimony. This is so hard.

Anonymous said...

The closer on FNC was a Lego stop-motion film about MassCare. Each second was 1 day of waiting for service.
Fifty one days for a general checkup.
The politicians are po'd at the going broke hospitals for asking for more money to care for the greater influx of non-paying customers.
I can hardly wait.

If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it is "free". pjorourke


Wabano said...

I think people get the governments they deserve, and that include
health care.

You are right to worry about the lunatics in the white house,
part of the hippie ideology.

Up north, we only have a pale imitation of the children of
Thimothy Leary and even our
leftists like Trudeau are
far more conservative than even
these RINOs in the US.

The Health care flaws up here are
caused by heavy pressure on unions
of doctors, nurses and support
workers plus on suppliers.

Call it Protestant or Catholic ethics, but our politician's worse
sins here are kind of ridiculous
peccadillos next to the monstrous robberies and waste
of the Senators and congressmen
that you witness everyday in the US.

Moreover, that "triage" or selection on the video was absolutely correct, the actor was
an obvious fake and his kind and all hypocondriacs deserve nothing
but the boot...

Remember, we HAVE a real conservative government but it will
only be perfect when we get an
absolute majority, just like Hussein Melonhead has now
a perfect commie government!

Capt Morgan.

Wabano said...

And Linda, I too got in trouble in My-dJama, I had an infarctus.

I asked my cardiologist later
that if I did NOT have my company insurance,
would I have had the tPA-trans plasminogen activator treatment?(twice, by mistake, maybe that's why I'm full of shit, as you said)

The answer was NO!
(It cost my insurance well over $200,000)

And after I got laid off from my Airline job, yes, it cost $6000 cash
for a routine test-required by the FAA.

And yes, it only took a week after
their doctor determined that hip and knee replacement was needed
for my mother and aunts in Canada.

For me, the tPA also washed out ALL
my arthritis problems with the thrombus...take note,
if you are a millionaire,
tPA is the fountain of youth!
Turned my clock back thirty years...

Captn Morgan.

Anonymous said...


the world is flat.

Elvis is alive.

The earth is the center of your universe.

now fuck off.

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