Saturday, July 04, 2009

Trees and such on this 4th of July

Fertilizing Trees For Dummies
featuring Joe Biden

Thomas Jefferson's Nov. 13, 1787 letter to William Smith is the source of his admonition about nurturing the Tree of Liberty, a concept that a good many on the left have a hard time understanding, Maybe if someone who thinks like them were to try? Like Joe Biden ...
You know Katie, right after the revolution President Jefferson got on television and said, Hey! this freedom is not forever if you don't tend to it.  Every twenty years, at least, because gummint festers quickly, you'll have to forcibly remove people like me who resist, with legerdemain, taradiddle and back-door connivances all efforts to force us to relinquish our power over you.  Jefferson said - pick up your guns and shoot the sumbitches if you must, but clean house, or lose your freedoms.  Yes, patriot blood and, alas, the blood of tyrants will be spilled, but it is that blood which nourishes that Liberty Tree. It is its natural manure. Say, did I tell you where I'll be hiding when they come for me?  I don't want to be fertilizer.  If they get the colored guy, I'm president.
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just. - Jefferson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only sumbitches stupider than that stupid sumbitch are the stupid sumbitches who voted for that stupid sumbitch and that narcissistic sumbitch he calls friend.

Now, I really didn't mean that any other way than just exactly how I said it.

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