Friday, July 03, 2009

What Jefferson did not mean ...

This is a tail end excerpt from Bruce Walker's American Thinker article about the Declaration of Independence.
The brave men in Philadelphia were engaging in unconstitutional action.  Britain had a constitution, albeit a largely unwritten one, and Jefferson knew that he was defying our equivalent of the Supreme Court.  He and his colleagues defied the moral power of a system which no longer treasured liberty above advantage or caprice.  Rulers making decisions which did not really affect them, living thousands of miles from their subjects, lacked the moral authority to wield law.

Moral authority was the heart of the Declaration as well.  It lacked a separation of church and state and instead there was a unity of God and government.  All men were created equal by God.  That is the foundational point of the Declaration from which all else flows like the spring of liberty.   If all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, politics is clear and simple.  If that is true, then -- of course! -- protecting these inalienable rights is the only reason that governments are instituted among men.  These were truths which, in the magical pen of Jefferson, the brave authors and signers held to be "self-evident."  There is a Creator.  He made us.  He made us, specifically, free in body and in conscience.   We are not sheep or some sort of oddly self-domesticated animals.  We are creatures in the image of a Creator, unique in reality, and given the power to choose.

The men who wrote and signed the Declaration are all dead, long, long, dead -- they never expected otherwise.  If we met their ghosts today, they would not ask about our technological marvels or our global economy or our medical breakthroughs or space travel.  If we told them about our partisan debates or the new King in Washington, they might cringe like a father over an addled child.

But when speaking of what they wrote in 1776 -- signing their own death warrants, in some respects -- they might ask us this:  "We did not mean to confuse you.  That is why the words we chose were so clear.  You are free creatures of God.  Government is your creature, your chattel, your tool -- nothing more.  We studied history long before we wrote our brief statement of liberty.  You own government or rather the spirit of free men owns government.   You fret about ‘stuff.' Why?  We are all dead now, as we knew we would be.  But we chose to die free, following our consciences - that is the only real choice in life.  What confused you?"   The principle of liberty is easy.  All it requires is courage and honor.
I'll tell you what.  I've been ready to join any pitchfork toting, torch bearing, musket waving march on Washington for a long time.  Now  I'm getting damned close to being the first one there.  I mean that in the good way, of course.


Anonymous said...

"all it requires is courage and honor" and democrats possess neither. Not hard to understand.


Anonymous said...

Unalienable rights! Those rights bestowed by God which cannot removed from us by any means.

JMcD said...

"Naw...I ain't got no smelling salts...Ax that guy in the VW.

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